Ooh, pencil is in Co? What part? And nah, I'm not from the springs, but I hear the scene is pretty nice(I think...). Aurora is finally starting up a little action ^_^
[Broken External Image]:http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6262/bigupqz5.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/2909/whitekoldxd3.jpg
the more you walk around different parts of aurora the more and more graff you'll actually notice. there's a lot of stuff in discreet spots
Yeah, but its starting to be more noticeable, before it was just some hands from folk passing through, but its getting better now.
Here are a few i often seen and finally found them on the internet cause i dont have a great camera and cant drive and take pics at the same time......damn dude all that shit up around that old rubber factory is great! Gone up their lately? Alot fresh stuff [Broken External Image]:http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/carguy9135/1424861606_93e24240631.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/carguy9135/476295881_2951541d3a1.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/carguy9135/476298231_a360686dc71.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/carguy9135/476304895_7835ed10421.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/carguy9135/940994709_3157077ea91.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/carguy9135/941830414_99211ca4391.jpg
few pics i took at 75mph suck ass quality but their right next to the rubber plant. some sick ass shit out there and no that piece is not on the light rail train, its on the wall next to it wierd picture [Broken External Image]:http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/carguy9135/jeremy002.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/carguy9135/jeremy003.jpg
glad to see alot of veriety on here when i see colorado graff i usually see WAY TOO MANY legal walls...very good guys
Colorado is all over man. And that would be sick if those pieces were on the light rail. Summer is just around the corner, one day of school left and I'm out! (then 6 weeks of summer school sweet!).
ive been out for summer for a week now and i dont recount of 1 single day of summer i havnt been drunk so far....im drunk right now. we should chill and find some sick pieces...pm me if you wanna chill or something
i really didnt think their would be any artists in the springs here is an interesting link on the Gates Rubber Company and graffiti http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=93313&provider=top
I was there that weekend.....pretty dope! Koze, Skuz, Tagster, Erzok, and many others stopped by to say what's up. http://cw2.trb.com/video/?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=2569106 ^^^there's a little video about it
ahh i see well in that case. [Broken External Image]:http://farm4.static.flickr.com /3089/2568690303_157208ffdf.jpg?v=0 i wanna post more but flickr is being gay