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Country Crunk Milk Shakes - Underground HIPHOP(daily updates)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GeSuS_KRiST, Oct 25, 2004.

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  1. Mse

    Mse Elite Member

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    what can i say gesus im depressed
    and i :wub: hey love & rainy days

    sorry cant help you tom :(
  2. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    its all good man i have a depessed mix around here but i dont know where its at, but im glad u listen to my music man that makes me happy

    Tom man when we gonna paint
  3. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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  4. ZoToS ...

    ZoToS ... Elite Member

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  5. Mse

    Mse Elite Member

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    :wub: fanny :wub:
    is that the album with love's not?
  6. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    no thats on their album 'raw material'

    i should have that jawn around here somewhere too...
  7. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    MHz - table scraps

    copywrite recycles too many lines... but other than that, the rest is ok
  8. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    thats a pretty good album though.. megahertz is pretty dope.
  9. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    yeah i was glad they came out with it.... i had all their songs scattered around on different computers and such.

    i didn't mean it's "ok" it's fuckin dope. camu and tage are amazing. copywrite just disappoints me sometimes.
  10. Mse

    Mse Elite Member

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    didnt camu like break copywrites wrist not long ago?
    big fight thing
  11. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  12. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    damn. man had brass knuckles and still got dealt with.

    not a whole lot more needs to be said about that.
  13. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    supposable thats camu's blood

    heres a responce from copy....
    Around 12 noon these cats called the room saying they were outside. We
    looked out the window, saw them 2 cars deep & left the curtains
    open.Me & the 3 people with me pack & rush downstairs. Yeah, we could
    have made a phone call to make it even but noone felt it was necessary.
    Since they were 2 cars deep, I brought brass knuckles. I'm not
    stupid. Camu & I start exchangin' words & some guy who worked at the
    hotel saw/heard this & walked over to get inbetween the both of us in
    hopes to break up any conflict.Only THEN does Camu try to put hands in
    my face. We exchange blows. I bloody his forehead up, he didn't cut
    skin on my face WHATSOEVER.(my shirts bloody in those pics, yet I'M
    NOT BLEEDING.Hmm...wonder who's blood THAT could be?) After he
    realizes how bloody his forhead is he says "I'm finished.Y'all get
    him". "Y'all", meaning the 7 internet pals that they needed to bring.
    So a few heads are chasing me to the lobby. One sneaks the back of my
    head (again, no blood, no IMPACT). Now, by this time the guy who works
    at the hotel came back with the cops. They search us, run 50's on
    everyone & eventually let us bounce. The truth is Camu didn't break
    skin.Didn't cause me to bleed AT ALL. Nothing to clean with peroxide.
    Yet, look at my shirt. Again, YOU do the math. I can bet Camu's not
    gonna post a picture of himself AFTER the incident. That picture he
    posted was before we met up. I'm sure he'll be wearing a bandana,doo
    rag or fitted low for a minute. I think it's funny these dudes brought
    a camera & posted pictures that SAME night. I've never heard of that
    in my life. Draw your own conclusions. I just had to give the facts to
    those who want to look in that direction, since they chose to display
    an EDITED VERSION to the ONLINE PUBLIC. Bottom line, Camu caught it
    WAY worse than those love taps I left with. OH, by the way...SICKAMORE


    Heres for the icon the mic king side

    You have been rather quiet on a topic regarding a little scrap at Scribble Jam with Copywrite and people have been dying to hear your side of the story, so the soap box is now yours to milk this promotional cow. What happened at Scribble Jam between you and Copywrite that ended with Pete Nelson having to pick himself off the ground, is there any history between the beef between you and the MHZ member, some say it is over money and beats, and will the war continue on wax or will you leave it at the one punch knockout that you served him at Scribble???

    Aight I’m gonna say this all one time so heads can stop asking me. This Pete thing isn’t some spur of the moment publicity stunt that I came up with to get “internet street credibility,†it has history behind it.

    In 2001 I was writing this song called “All Hail†that was going to be produced by JJ Brown (producer for Louis Logic, Awar) and I had some punchline that was a play on the phrase “holier than thou,†which coincidentally is a Copywrite song. All my constituents that I spit the verses for were like “yeah that’s dope, but are you dissing Copywrite?†This was shortly after my altercation with the other bol and I never wanted to be known as an emcee that kept creating conflict with established rappers, so I hit Pete up on AIM. It was peace, we were chopping it up and he was like “yeah I don’t think you’re dissing me†whatever whatever. He was mad cool about it and I had just gotten some money from some battles I had won so I asked him to do the hook for the song. He agreed and requested that I send him the money up front and he’d do it before he left for tour. I thought this was how things worked in indie rap so I just sent him the loot. Obviously he never did it.

    Time passed, my name started to garner its buzz and I started networking and getting on more shows and all that. Then I think this was the summer of 2003 when Alaska and them were throwing those “Best Damn Rap Shows†at North Six in Brooklyn right after Pete’s album came out I emailed him like “what’s up with my money, I’m coming to the show.†For the first time in like over a year he replied to my email like “yo dog, I got you just gimme a few weeks.†That night he came late to the show and he left right after he got offstage. Then there were a couple shows where we were both on the bill and he’d cancel. So there was a whole lot of this going on and a whole lot of our mutual friends trying to smooth it over and make it go away. I gave too much of a fuck around then and I didn’t want to create anymore problems for myself so I just charged it to the game.

    Then I finally saw dude again at a show in Columbus at Bernie’s and I stopped caring. I was with Dos Noun, this kid Tymez and some other heads from Pittsburgh. Dos and Tymez were like wait til after we perform to approach him. So I did. When it was my turn to rock I just started freestyling and was like “Fuck Copywrite.†By then I guess he had left. I didn’t know because I had seen him walk in and out a bunch of times that night. So his boys approached Tymez like “yo we got pistols†and all this. This one white bol was like “how you gonna diss my man when he ain’t here?†I was just like “call him and tell him to come back then.†We stayed for about a half an hour. Nothing happened. We left.

    This all brings us to Scribble Jam. I had seen dude walking around with his stuff early in the day but I knew if I started a fight I’d get kicked out and I was supposed to be hosting the prelim battle (which is a good way to get people to put the name with the face). So I waited and while I was hosting this kid (Moodswangz I think his name is) said “you’re getting your ass beat like Copywrite in that lobby fight.†After he was done I was like “YOOO!! DID YOU HEAR THAT LINE?!†and I repeated it and I was like “Anybody who says a line about Copywrite got my vote. Fuck that dude.â€

    Afterwards Pete walks up on me like “Yo, you wanna take this outside?†Mannnnn let me tell you I felt like it was my damn birthday!!!! I replied “I sure do! I’m gonna go put my stuff down, I advise you to do the same and I will be right back.†So I went and put my box of merch down by the Ground Opening booth and I said to my man Rob Viktum “yo this dude Copywrite really think he want it with me!†and I ran back over to Pete and the two of us started walking outside. I kept looking back because I ain’t know how many heads he had with him… after all we were in his home state. He saw me doing this and he was like “who you waiting for dog?†That’s when I realized he knew he was in over his head.

    Funny sidebar though…some random dude had been following us out the door and Copy was like “who is this -- your backup?!†and I was like “Man I don’t know this muhfucka.†Then I asked the cat “yo do I know you?†and he was like “yeah we met at such and such a show.†How come I can’t find a fan when I wanna sell a cd? Haha.

    Anyway first off shout out to Priest from Ground Opening for taking them pictures I owe you one dog. Secondly, I gotta tell y’all the pictures are out of order but them photochops are hilarious. We got outside and he starts to lead me by the cop car they have in front of Annie’s. (picture where he’s pointing, I’m listening and there’s a cop car to the left). We’re shouting so a crowd has formed and I’m on some “WHAT!†shit. (picture where my arms are out and he’s got the “uh oh†face) I was like “I aint fighting you next to no cop car†and I walked over to a handicap spot and pointed at it and was like “here this is where you belong.†Then he comes over and he tries to convince me to take it further in the parking lot I guess so nobody would see and I was just like “nah, we doing this here†and he starts swinging. The best way I can describe it…he swings like a retarded T-Rex. The crowd that had formed started laughing as I was backpedaling my way out of the arc of the swing and I started taking pictures with my sidekick. (picture where I’m holding the phone). I put my phone away and was just like fuck this I’ma rock this fool. (picture where I’m walking toward him and there’s just cars in the background) and he started backing up with the “fuck I’m bout to get hit – hard†face. Next picture is the one where he’s by the door with the “shit, here it comes†face. The next picture is the swing. The final picture is where he is successfully ROCKED in his grill with his hat flying off and some bol in the background with the “OH SHIT!†face. After he hit the ground and slid into the fence I stood over him and shouted “EARLY!â€

    Everyone in the crowd surrounded me like I just won the lottery and it clicked in my mind that I did. Any publicity is good publicity right? My man MacLethal was like “yo Mike, get back in the venue!!†because the bike cops showed up. So I went back in to enjoy the fanfare. Heads told me that afterwards Pete was like “On some human being shit…yo on some real human being shit…that was just fucked up.†Now his story is that he was drunk. Someone brought it to my attention that this is the same rapper that once said “I’m at the point where rappers get high before they challenge mine/so when they fuck up they’ll have an alibi.†Well Pete, you got rocked, walk it off.

    After that he tried to get live with Mr. Dibbs when dude was just trying to see if he was alright. All I have to say to that is BAD EXECUTIVE DECISION!

    As far as diss songs, that shit is tired. He can go head and diss me, I’ll hit up Celph Titled and have it pressed up and we can sit on the beach in Tampa and laugh while the money comes in. It’s whatever though we can take it there, I know my enemies very well I can pull dirt on him for days, I’d eat his food. Some heads are walking around thinking dude is a better rapper than me and I don’t wanna take it to lyrics with him. They must have never heard me rap. All dude does is punchline shit…even that “June†jawn is constructed like a punchline song (emcees know what I’m talking about)…I do punchline shit rarely and I’m still better at it. So whatever he wanna do we can do that but you won’t see me dropping no diss track first, I already won.

    As far as me leaving it at that, that nigga needs to pay me. We were actually supposed to tour together before this and I told the agent look I wouldn’t have a problem with dude if he just paid me what he owed me. But now I want that shit plus compounded interest at the prime rate in 2001. I know heads that wanna roll on him in every state, if anything I was just an instrument of karma in this situation and I’ve opened the floodgates. A lot of pople he’s fucked over have hit me up. This one dude from Seattle I think it was hit me up on myspace like “thanks for knocking him out. Him and his boys crashed a party at my house one time and charged up my credit cards and stole shit.†A bunch of rappers have showed me love on it. Dude told the booking agent that he wants me to call him so maybe this will get straightened out. Until I get my money I’d avoid me and mine if I was him.
  14. Mse

    Mse Elite Member

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    ahahahhahaahaha it looks like he started shit with icon but why the fuck did he pick a fight with camu? and why does he look like such a fucking retard
  15. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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  16. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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  17. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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  18. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    he robbed icon (storys a page back) also he dissed all of weather men after the conspicery from weathermen droped, and he stuck with MHZ..but who cares fuck cpoywrite dude a fucking recycling bin, i hate emcees like that yea he has a few gtood tracks but ill pass

    big it up yo them time machine ep's there raw
  19. ZoToS ...

    ZoToS ... Elite Member

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  20. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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