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Country Crunk Milk Shakes - Underground HIPHOP(daily updates)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GeSuS_KRiST, Oct 25, 2004.

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  1. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

    • Messages: 19,756
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    .... dont worry me and the verbal scribe are doign a track together t crush them
  2. Excalibur

    Excalibur Senior Member

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    Word, I wanna hear that too. put a link up here when you finally lay the track.
  3. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    put it on the myspace yo. ill rock that track on the page for months. fuhrealz.
  4. theoneC

    theoneC Senior Member

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    I hope Eminem goes back underground... as in dirt nap. To quote Full Metal Jacket, "The best part of him ran down his mamas crack and left a stain on the mattress."
  5. anarchy

    anarchy Elite Member

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    Listen to these kids voices.
    What a joke.

    Shooting spree. Please.
    Stomp these kids heads in.
    THEN make the track.
  6. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    yeah deffantly, its rare when gesus hits the mic, its been years
  7. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    wow i didnt know the Marathon had such fierce competition. They look pretty fruity. How can anyone take them serious when their cigars arent even lit.

    Not to mention cheap.
  8. ion-i

    ion-i Elite Member

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    cage isnt gonna be at rockthebells for SF. same with living legends.
    oh well, i dropped $90 on the tickets anyways
    still looking forward to it
  9. Slomoe

    Slomoe Senior Member

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  10. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    New Ghost Stories Project track, we are finally back together to finsih our album after my heroin benge, his rock side project and droping both our solo albums

    me and the long emcee Mr. LongStory are back to rock shit so enough tlak this is our first track in about a year and a half new single
    Ghost Stories - HARDCORE HOLLYWOOD (unmastered and not the beat were using

    Production- Gesus
    Vocals - Mr. Longstory
  11. Oink.

    Oink. Elite Member

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    def wanna hear more, tis dece.


    beats dope and the emcee has talent mah niggs.
  12. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    NICCSACC Banned

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    i produce tracks and rhyme been doing it since 88. ill upload tracks if you wanna hear em. satanic death rap mostly. holler bout it.
  14. Oink.

    Oink. Elite Member

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    yo im down upload some mayn
  15. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

    • Messages: 19,756
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    thanks for the beat comment....

    as for more where working on that last track i posted "who am i" so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    our album Whispers in the Grey Mattter should be out soon even thoughy its been pushed back a year
  16. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

    • Messages: 19,756
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    thanks for the beat comment....

    as for more where working on that last track i posted "who am i" so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    our album Whispers in the Grey Mattter should be out soon even thoughy its been pushed back a year
  17. ion-i

    ion-i Elite Member

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  18. explosivo_420

    explosivo_420 Elite Member

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    Blackk Hawk Down.. 911 is a joke in your town.

    I wish I coulda been in Vietnam, servin on a sunny beach ikongone, underneith a palm tree doin herIon...

    I wish I coulda seen Princess Diana coked up on the highway with her lover, livin in the uh fast lane...

    I wish I coulda seen Pope John Paul rollin in a bullet proof afterball, I guess there must be no God afterall...
  19. Excalibur

    Excalibur Senior Member

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    Man, that was great man, and you make those beats? yo, hit me up about somethin' like that, I wanna get some good beats myself.
  20. JetBlack

    JetBlack Elite Member

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    Anyone have any other of Hives DnB stuff?

    Ill up Working With Sound if anyone wants it.