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Criminal Records

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Scott, Jul 30, 2005.

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    JEDI-MASTER Elite Member

    • Messages: 632
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    ego i got off pretty easy, just sum community service nd shit nd i gotta have like perfect grades n shit for school im going bak may 3rd um sabe level 2 probation is like doing community service possible house arrest, writin letters n shit bout wat u did wrong, having a curfew if not on HA so on n so forth
  2. Aven

    Aven Senior Member

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    on a level 2 probation, the men cutt off you ballsack and hold it with them untill your off probation
  3. sabe2

    sabe2 Senior Member

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    lol thx avan i like youre explination :p
  4. rtw

    rtw New Member

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    im lookin at 18 month to 2 years wen i get sentenced in july :blink:
  5. Dean44

    Dean44 Member

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    I havent really gotten to the poit of getting caught by the law, but, what happens if you get a criminal record? is it so bad?
  6. rtw

    rtw New Member

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    ya'l from usa arnt ya ? so iam not sure wot the laws like over there.

    but a criminal record aint exactly best thing you could have, it can stop you visiting some countrys and employers arnt impressed by them :lol:
  7. ThrowItUP

    ThrowItUP Senior Member

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    well in the US, good luck getting any sort of high-paying job, getting into any good colleges, and even sometimes, you won't be allowed to own a passport/visa.
    soo good luck going anywhere.

    bottom line: don't get caught :lol:
  8. uknome

    uknome Member

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    ive been arrested three times for graffiti...never admitted to what i wrote so i never really had to pay mad fines..but i did have to be in juvenile hall, camp, and i just graduated way to get out situations like that is just not get into them...i had a public defender(same thing as court appointed) and got off with a years probation, 50 hours of probation, i had to attend a probation school for a 100 days.
    this was the first time i got caught up though.
    good luck though man

  9. shie a.k.a. drone

    shie a.k.a. drone Senior Member

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    never been caught cause im slick like that. B)

    JEDI-MASTER Elite Member

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    dont get cocky, sayin shit lie that, will make u make mistakes make u 2 sure of urself,b on ur p's n q's
  11. Dean44

    Dean44 Member

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    yea, and cross your t's and dot your lowercase j's...?

    JEDI-MASTER Elite Member

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    so we got a smart ass huh
  13. minor crimes

    minor crimes Elite Member

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    been actually caught in the act n got a caution for it. no fines. sucks wen u get caught on trains. warning walking the streets with intension. and possession. and im still under 18. how gay. first time i got charged i was loaded with shit coz i went for a stock up. lol. lost like 100bux worth of shit and pissed me off.
  14. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    getting caught with something stupid and small is one thing, but once you get into the probation system youll never fucking get out. i fucking hate it, it just goes and goes and goes.
  15. kgb

    kgb New Member

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    Fuck the free lawyers. I got caught by three undercover trains cops and my lawyer was all like they didnt see you do it so no worries. Then when I go to see her a day before court shes like ow I havent look at your case yet. then she tells me to plead guilty even though the didnt see me they just caught me with markers and acting suspiciouis. So I go on some program where i did community service and then have no criminal record. Not bad but I could have gotten off but didnt have the money. GET A GOOD LAWYER. I have heard bout 2 writers who got caught red handed twice and still gotten off cause of their lawyer.
  16. tame345

    tame345 Senior Member

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    actually i got busted for under 1000$ and they said that 500$ is a felony the staff sergent or w.e said that to me
  17. tame345

    tame345 Senior Member

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    actually i got busted for under 1000$ and they said that 500$ is a felony the staff sergent or w.e said that to me
  18. tame345

    tame345 Senior Member

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    actually i got busted for under 1000$ and they said that 500$ is a felony the staff sergent or w.e said that to me
  19. joebob

    joebob Member

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    This is kinda off topic but...

    If you are just searched by a cop n they find cans of paint, graffiti pens, stickers ect can they take them? (in a city with no age limits on spray paint)

    Also if they search you and you have red and black can of paint. And a few blocks away the cops saw a new bomb in red and black is that enough proof to get in shit??

    Or do the cops watch you do it?
  20. sobeit

    sobeit Member

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    If there's no age restriction on spray paint, they probably won't take it, but idk for sure.
    But I know they have to catch you in the act in order for them to be able to do anything.