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Do you have nosy parents?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Set17, Jan 3, 2008.

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  1. miloofbse

    miloofbse New Member

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    I was out with some of m boys and when we got to mine my mum was showing her friends my blackbook. I thought she would go mad but she said sorry for sneaking it out of my room!!!! result!!!! She don't exactly agree with painting but she says its good if it stops me doing drugs and getting n fights. Its lucky she ain't heard of BEEF. haha

    milo BSE
  2. wolsley

    wolsley Senior Member

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    I used to keep everything illegal locked away or on my person. I dont really bother hiding it anymore I just keep stuff like drugs out of view in a draw or something and I have paint cans strewn all over my room. Apart from my mum occasionally taking my weed without saying anything and sometimes opening my post (she has a thing for looking at my bank statements.) They aint too nosy, I dont really hide much from them anyway. They know I write and semi suport it. Although I wont tell them/show them what I write because I dont want them to see what iv done.
  3. Stiler

    Stiler New Member

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    cock sucker

    u cok sukking athiest.
  4. -des-

    -des- Senior Member

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    Dude my mom just found and took 2oz's of herb in my room today! She and my dad flushed it down the toilet!!!!! But she left my condoms and my markers?? Pisses me off!:mad::mad:
  5. otrfatcap

    otrfatcap Senior Member

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    i remember the first true sketch i did i went showed my mom, it was bublle letters with some bricks n shit, well i was like....hey im goin paint this!!! she thought i was ways i painted it like less than a block from my crib, reallllly big....i never even thought about her takin that road home every day.....
    Now that im older she comes to visit me and asks if im still painting, cuz she sees my wall and shit, we talk about it and its wierd, cuz she'll start reminescin about when i used to take her car and go paint trains...haha i love hearin her say that...but she's down...
    then my dad has a train room in his a big peice on the wall that says trains...haha its his fault i write graff ne ways...used to take me to the tracks...

    oh and after she came to my house last time, we were talkin the next day and she was tellin me about not to get too high for new years, and that i need air freshner cuz the house smelled like herb...hahaha
  6. rel

    rel Senior Member

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    otr- haha, that's cool that you can laugh with her about shit like that. how old were you when you showed her that sketch?
  7. T O K E

    T O K E Elite Member

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    haha this thread is gay
  8. otrfatcap

    otrfatcap Senior Member

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    i wanna say i was either 14 or 15, i remember going get my ups package from bombingscience from her at her office, it was the cope2 vid, some caps and a marker and some ink....she was like...dont let me catch you! but its really all good i got me out of highschool!!!
  9. Fluffy Bunnies

    Fluffy Bunnies Elite Member

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    I am not white so my parents don't care what goes on in my room or even go in there at all
  10. rel

    rel Senior Member

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    lol. nice. the first time i got supplies.. i had my friend buy caps for me from crewest. and a 3M respirator. i didn't want my parents knowing cause i thought they'd be mad. but they're cool about it. my mom actually bought me spraypaint. hahaaa :D
  11. g3zt

    g3zt Senior Member

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    o_O I think my folks know I right they Just dont wanna deal with it.. :eek: they see me drawing sketches once n a while and My popz mentioned something about me drawing on a wall when he was mad..

    Never really confronted me about it.. :O
  12. RUDE_Bwoy

    RUDE_Bwoy Elite Member

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    my rents think i quit graff but im still into it.they just dont think im still bombing.i plan on telling them sooner or later.i hide all my paint tho.i know theyll ask something if i have paint cause i racked it and im always broke.but when i come home sometimes they say my eyes are red and smell my fingers cause i was smoking.only shit they find is lighters
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Member

    • Messages: 17
    • Likes Received: 0 beef but maybe you should learn grammer because I can't unstand a thing you write, I mean I'm shit at speeling and grammer..but make an effot dude.

    And yeah my parents are cool with Dads more of a homie than my dad..he just chills and plays some xbox, guitar mum is a bit more up tight about illegal stuff...but still relaxed compared to some.

  14. geritto

    geritto Senior Member

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    hah i live with my mom and im 15 she knows i like graff and have markers and sketch and shit but doesnt know that i write or bomb or any of that she just gets extremely pissed at the times she smells paint in my room my excuse is "I WAS JUST WATING THE LAST CAN!":p
  15. RUP'E

    RUP'E Senior Member

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    if my mum ever says anything about weed i laugh and tell her that she used to grow the shit in her backyard.
    good times

    AEROSOL_FEEN Senior Member

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    shut the fuck up.
  17. soul_731

    soul_731 Member

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    My parents are cool about me writing. They buy me paint and shit. The only problem is that 50+ cans in and they still keep buying me gloss. I'm not gonna complain though, they might stop.
  18. Speedy

    Speedy Senior Member

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    My parents know. My mom actually buys me paint when I need it and I usually tell them when I'm going writing. But every time it comes up I get a lecture about fines, so I just try to stay quiet about it. They don't support it 100%. But they're clearly not against it. I'll settle for that though...
  19. Slushi

    Slushi Banned

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    Grow up.
  20. theBOMBsquad

    theBOMBsquad Senior Member

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    dude my mom found all my inks and markers and thought i was huffing... shes so stupid... but i couldnt tell her that i graff cuz then she would just get twice as mad cuz i busted once... anyways.. its fucking gay