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Drug Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BosoeHNT, Aug 10, 2009.

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    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    You smokin it or snortin it? Anyways better to start quitting sooner than later, cause that shit will turn you into a straight fiend.
  2. sanrtizer

    sanrtizer Senior Member

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    i've been to rehab for heroin i never shot it but i was snortin 1-2 grams a day... ive relapsed quite a bunch of many few times :| i have managed to not become physically dependant on it again but i know that wont last for too long. opiates have sucked me in since age 15 (im 19 now). its hard to get away from because theyre not just physical painkillers but especially mental painkillers for me at least. i feel so grimey whenever im jammed its not a good feeling at all. i gota quit while im ahead
  3. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    I just smoke it, I can't handle putting a needle in my arm. And I feel you Sanrtizer, drugs in general have had me stuck in a rut for almost the last decade. I'm 20 now D:
  4. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    u started taking drugs when u were 10? lol wat
  5. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    they told us in rehab whenever you started doing drugs, they slowed down your mental maturing process, so the younger you start doing them, the harder it is to mature. in my experience slowing down with all the drugs, kinda helps speed it back up. or just taking psychedelics and exploring your own mind.

    i watched DMT: The Spirit Molecule last night and it really made me want to do it again. last time i felt just like you did Pie, like it was so mentally exhausting and profound that i didn't want to do it again for a long time, but the more and more i think about it, the more i want to explore that world again. getting up and walking around when you are in a place you've never seen before is like discovering uncharted territories.

    anyone else mind-blown by the amount of similar occurences and visuals between different people all over the world on DMT?
  6. 4menace2society0

    4menace2society0 Banned

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  7. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    Yeah I think I was just about 11, but that's when I started smoking bud, eating prescriptions, and drinking.

    Yeah, I dunno so much about that first bit, about maturation, Mast. Like, I make a mental effort to avoid maturing, but I've always played the part as an adult when I actually have to.
  8. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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  9. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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  10. Baron

    Baron Moderator

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    Leafy, looks like it cured oddly but I wouldn't call it bad. It all depends on how it smokes though.
    Also, the herbal remedy thread would be more help.

    Edit: Also, with that name like that I thought that you would know.
  11. lostyoursense

    lostyoursense Senior Member

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    i watched DMT: The Spirit Molecule last night and it really made me want to do it again. last time i felt just like you did Pie, like it was so mentally exhausting and profound that i didn't want to do it again for a long time, but the more and more i think about it, the more i want to explore that world again. getting up and walking around when you are in a place you've never seen before is like discovering uncharted territories.

    anyone else mind-blown by the amount of similar occurences and visuals between different people all over the world on DMT?

    I've never done dmt and it's something I wanna try after all the things I've heard my father say about and listening to joe rogan talk about I decided to research the shit outta it I just watch dmt the spirit molaque about a week it's it's astounding drug that i feel that I should try I was always brought up not to do drugs till i moved in with my dad so I've never tried and physicadelic so I've been trying to mentally prepare myself for the expirence
  12. smokeitup

    smokeitup Elite Member

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    yeah i havent smoked for a while, havent been in that 'scene' for some time now just got it the other day.

    anyone tried xanax + weed before, i tried it last night and got so drowsy i couldnt be fucked goin for a paint but i did anyway, done one throwy and thought fuck this im goin home.

    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    ah dmt, its a trip to say the least.

    I tried it for the first time outside a couple months ago, discouraged me from ever doin it again. Me and a friend who does too much of it, rolled a spliff with it, and on the second hit started running up a hill, as I was running the grass turned to gravel, and then skulls. Felt like I was running on bones made of quicksand and my feet kept sinking into the ground, and everything was turning red. When I came to like 15 minutes later I was in tears, just sittin on the ground half way up the hill.

    Havent done it since, but my homie lights the shit up like its nothing, as if he gets it for free or something. On new years he lit a spliif with it in the middle of a fuckin partying crowd downtown san francisco, didnt see him the rest of the night, said he cant even explain what he saw and felt out there. To be honest im kinda scared of it, freaked me the fuck out, although I wont say i wont do it again, I definetly would rather drop acid then be on a dmt trip
  14. lostyoursense

    lostyoursense Senior Member

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    A lotta people tell me to do it alone in a dark room and smoke it outta a light bulb or something top where the flame won't touch the dmt
  15. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    yeah man your boy is doin it all wrong. it's not a party drug. one of my friends was the same way when it was easy to get here and blacked out on it. when he came to he was running away from something and looking over his shoulders frantically. said the last thing he remembers is seeing the face of pure evil in the air and thought he was about to die.

    i'd say it's not best to do alone, but with 1 or 2 other people. and if you smoke weed, just pack it into the middle layer of a bowl. when you smoke it, try not to let the fire touch it, just the bud on the top surface. i've tried vaping it a few times and found it's easier to just smoke it in a bowl.

    put on some shpongle or telefon tel aviv. something with lots of noises to see

    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    yeah I enjoyed it more being inside couch locked and just closing my eyes, but dude was swearing by it saying an outside trip was gonna be tight. I dont regret trying it, but I dont recommend it.

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2012
  17. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    Attempting to not do H for a few weeks. 2 days down. Aha, I suck at this.

    MASTAH_RIBCAGE Moderator

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    good luck!!!! Shit I dont think I could quit anything for that long
  19. sanrtizer

    sanrtizer Senior Member

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    i can stop doin H!!! i just do perc 30s or suboxin :-|
  20. RaWs3kz

    RaWs3kz Senior Member

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    word i been on subs for like 2 months now.. so much better than H and blues everyday constantly trying to get money and get another pill or bag... i just put half a sub under my tounge in the morning and BAM !! im good allllllll day ! im actually letting that shit dissolve under my tounge right now...