I searched high and low for a similar thread to this, nothing came up! so i took it opon myself to make my own, give it a chance, listen to the links, post your fav. D&B MC's/producers etc. post your own D&B just a few to start... http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0T9JXJG...SI1IXOH1FXUX80E ^^^MC TALI http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=14A4Q3I...FB12AI2V16M3VX2 ^^^MC TALI 2 http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1BOUYDR...VH2RH1YTLY3P850 ^^^Nicky B http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1RO0T8D...RH2LAFFYC14UDNB ^^^MC eksman http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=13DCTK1...1616580ZHP5OTVS ^^^MC vaypour
JUNGLIST MOVEMENT BOH BOH BIGITUP BIGITUP!!!!! give me some time ill hook the fuck up outta this thread i been in the jungle scene for 8 years now i dabble in dnb production... so iknow my shit im on all the guestlist, at most the festables, this shouold be a good thread if meekus was still here
http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3USAUYE...R434L01QXW3UW6T ^^pendulum-slam http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1TPHXJ9...D81JCE8OGGQSZHY ^^pendulum-tarantula
i got a few dnb albums. if anyone is interested i can upload a few tracks. cost me 30 quid to import dieselboy - dungeonmaster's guide, so if any of u uk dnb lovers wanna taste of his izm pm me. got fair bit of hospital recs stuff too B)
http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=221TKQX...YP0TIE9MFIFTWMB ^^oxide and neutrino http://s62.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2CACIAV...3B3NF6TB8D1VSOU ^^DJ Hype-supa sharp shooter(takes a while to get realy into it)
http://s56.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2E3RIL2...MW0WR8AE5OA5OWD ^^^ puretone-addicted to bass, classic!!! il post more later...
ive seen deisel boy about 7 times... hes so short... he used to live at my boys house in philly... seen dj hype a grip of times too but hes old shits classic you every heard his hiphop/drum and bass album with all the sick ass ughh tracks on there all remixed... shits hype as fuck! as for dungonmasters guide, that shit sucks!!! deisel boys best s hit was he mid 90's ish when he cas darkcore as for dj's db, rap, craze!!!! (muh nigga), deiselboy, shy fx, ANDY MOTHER FUCKIN C!, mampi swift, goldie (fucking dick), ak1200 (home town hero), ed rush, reid speed, freaky flow (big ups toronto), SCAM, capital j, Roni Size, Dara, Optical , Dillinja (you suck on the tables), Lemon D, MC SHABBA D!!!!, stakka and skynet, Bad Company, Krust, Teebee, dj TOY CRUSHER (i miss you brother! come back home), SS, Empress, MC GQ ,Skibadee, Dynamite, Chickaboo, MC Rhymetyme, IC3, MC MC, MC Sharpness... fuck i can go on forever ive seen um all atleast 3 times... god bless the uk jungle scene... in 2000 i was luckey enough to be part of the biggest uk jungle scene to hit america... talk about fucking hype!
im uploading andy c's Drum and Bass arena right now so it should be done before i dip out to downtown for a normal sat nat
were 1337!!!!!! PWND!!!! no you just gotta be an bombing science advanced memer, and send me money on pay pal and ok ill tell you the truth... go to yousendit.com MOTHERFUCKERS DONT SLACK ON THAT ENDUSER IT WILL BE THE BEST THING TO GRACE THIS THREAD!!! oh man props sick... you threw up some craze.... our home town hero i remember when he used to be local.. then he started winning all the dmc's till they told him he cant come back cas he stole the belt 3 years in a row.... dude one chill ass mother fucker whos a sick turntablist... not too many people have anything on south floridas jungle scene... this is one of almost every month youll catch deisel boy ust wondering about the clubs walking in with a bag of records and doing supprise partys... partys on the beach you name it man... s' the only thing i miss about there but that was about the worst track you could of played by him
haha, man he prolly would have believed you aswell, coulda earned yourself cash. im guna keep updating this post so theres a long list of music, dj.craze http://s48.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0Q7F1GH...I51Q6P3VNYW32B8 Dj.Craze - Mix Tape http://s48.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=16VXTLQ...LP26QRCD0DW091R dialated peoples - beat junkies http://s48.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1F2M82G...RE0L6H7UW999B06 Moloko - The Flipside http://s48.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1BFIE8T...XL2E7JAUCL2GOWX