[Broken External Image]:http://www.tshirthell.com/shirts/products/a329/a329_bm.gif This shirt is amazing. http://www.tshirthell.com/funny-shirts/the-funniest-thing-about-this-shirt/
I mostly get shit online because there's shit all to buy in my city unless you want all your clothes to come from west49.. I order from karmaloop the most. General ballerness, with attention to matching colours within my clothes.
lettin my hair grow for a ponytail,then a long ass braid....so like rite now my hair looks all emo-ish an i mite geta blonde or red streak....cuz im hip like that Baggy black or blue jeans,baggy shorts, flat brim caps, hi-tops(any brand) baggy or semi baggy tees(4-6XL...cuz ima big dude)......sumtimes made into "custom" band tees lol. an my usual jewelry..... i think thas it man if i get mihand on pics il post em
what the fuck is a prep ?!? ive been wonderin this for ages n now a can ask all u american folk and its actually relevant. and to stay on the fashionable patter, am quite feelin Superdry jeans these days
yeh wat is a prep i used 2 be in2 propper baggy jeans and hoods coz i could stick about 3 cans of gold in each pocket but im not gonner be paintiong for a while so im giving skinnie jeans and polos ago
homos. that's who. bunch of gossiping little girls like "OH MAH GAWH...CAN YOU BELIEEEEEEEEEEEEVE HE IS WEARING THAT SHIRT?!" just do you.
got sum pictures of the net of a few of my shirts [Broken External Image]:http://www.theurbanshop.co.uk/multimedia/catalogue/images/NEWDEAL/zy0206.jpg got this in dark blue
If you look like this [Broken External Image]:http://www.collective.se/mode/wp-content/preppy.jpg I suggest you give yourself a quick injection of potassium chloride.
ill wear whatever is at the thrift store. chea. i like the long sleeves though... and skinny pants hurt the fuck out of the inside of my thigh.
kids who wear tightish striped collard shirts with the jeans with the pre ripped holes in them and most of the time thonged sandals. super gay
chenzo the uk equivilent would be faggy oxford types, you know spending dadys trust fund at the tennis club