umm, no. like 34 cans of mtn at 35o 1 alien can at 3 shit silver at 2 and belton at 550 and then mtn gold at 550
word up she, i dont rack either, i gave up last week, my streak was gettin a bit too good, so i quit while i was ahead
who cares if he bought it, if ya got money to buy the stuff, why rack it....if i had alot of money i would buy most of my paint too....there aint nothin wrong with buying in my opinion h34r:
It's alot of money but its uber sexy (my montana collection was spread out over a 4 month period, didnt buy em all in one chunk)
in a couple days ill be switchen drama for art,(in art they got a bunch of pilots sittin around, silver black, red green) im gonna stock up on those babies, i love pilots
1 black painters touch 2 white painters touch 2 dark blue painters touch 1black jumbo fuckin fattie pilot
100+ prismas 40+ decos not to0 many cans 2 full sets of sakuras 3 or 4 blackbooks (none completely full) and thats it...
[Broken External Image]: i racked all the cans in about 4 hours worth of time
^dope resperator^...hmm inventory eh?. 260 prismas 100 deco's 50 gardencrafts/zig postermans 40 cans or kry 200+paint markers 5 kiwi mops...thats it...
h34r: hey uhh ima newbie and i got in to tagging and i wanna know wut is the blackbook? is it like a book that teaches u or is it pictures or what? and is it good,should i buy it?
my bad i was tryin to get to the next page. invntory consists of: 2 black,red pilot 1 ultra wide with candy ink 5 decos 100 usps stickers 5 sakura solid markers 4 krylon 1 alien can 1 silver OTR 1 purple montana XL (50mm) 3 montana micro mini cans