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Freight Whores And Rail Fans

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by FOEone, Jul 20, 2004.

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  1. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    i know things......things mr. v

  2. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    this lead and utah frieght is RI writers, they are bf and gf :wub: utah is the chick lead is the dude...obviousely
  3. bruce

    bruce Elite Member

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  4. Frank White

    Frank White Senior Member

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    KEDARONER Senior Member

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  6. scrabble

    scrabble Elite Member

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    utah gets her ups on frieghts

    KEDARONER Senior Member

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  8. Whoa

    Whoa Elite Member

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  9. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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    The people who go out there and spend hours walking the tracks and finding the good layups where those freights are actually painted and the people who go out there and bench freights non stop for hours a day are the "retards" who care. it's idiots like you that sit there and talk shit about people who actually do put in the time and effort to take their own flicks...if you're going to jack flicks then you should at least credit the person who put in the hours to catch it all. the true idiots are the ones who take advantage of the fact that there is very very few people who do actually care and do actually put in the effort to keep benching fresh shit..if the e-graff game was left up to people like you then all there would be was the same batch of flicks recycled over and over again. so think about it before you start going off on rants about who's documenting the it the guy who's out there all the time catching new shit by them or is it the internerds who sit here and search his name online looking for all the old shit thats been reposted so many times that it's almost ridiculous. I know that i put in my time catching freights and looking for hidden walls but i'm not near half as many flicks as Dirty Technician...he's out there almost daily if not daily, benching those freights (even during the winter) and he's got massive amounts of flicks that this forum will never have a chance to see. and the main reason for that jack flicks and claim them as their's it's bullshit. [/b][/quote]
    why give someone so much fucking credit for taking a picture? I give the credit too the writer who painted the shit, and you obviously missed that point.

    I take flicks of shit that i see all the fucking time, i didn't spend $500 on a digi cam for no reason. i post my own flicks too. yet if i see a sick freight posted on the web, i'll save it, i don't give a fuck. its a fucking picture of someones art! its the art i care about, not the photographer, its not like your getting all artsy with the way you took the pic, "oh the way the sun reflected off the freight gave me optimum quality."

    YES I AM GREATFUL that people share these pics with us, i give respect for the time someone takes to share this shit with us. but do you want respect for taking a picture? anyone can take a picture!

    paint some shit and take a picture of that, I can respect that shit, because you did a little more than just take the picture.

    if you still don't get my point, fuck off.

    doesn't mean you have to agree with me.
  10. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    utah is a girl writer from is so amazing about that!?

    try reading what people say

  11. labrodent

    labrodent Senior Member

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  12. labrodent

    labrodent Senior Member

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  13. labrodent

    labrodent Senior Member

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  14. labrodent

    labrodent Senior Member

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  15. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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  16. labrodent

    labrodent Senior Member

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  17. labrodent

    labrodent Senior Member

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  18. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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  19. labrodent

    labrodent Senior Member

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  20. labrodent

    labrodent Senior Member

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