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Freight Whores And Rail Fans

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by FOEone, Jul 20, 2004.

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  1. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  2. afterten

    afterten Elite Member

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    Rolling Through Montreal #19?
  3. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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    One day, maybe someday but not this day.
  4. pepitomicorazon

    pepitomicorazon Member

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    "I was thinking the same thing as I was scrooling down...

    Like sure they're great pictures, but it's not the same... "

    1. All these pictures are on trains, metros or railways.... The topic of this thread is " Freight Whores And Rail Fans, Just like the old one, lads" The word rail is included in there so I believe I can post pictures of pieces on

    "people should take theyre own fucken pictures "

    2. What the fuck is the difference is they are stolen or not? Did i kill your hard on? I did not take credit for the pictures, i had the decency to admit they were not mine. just be fucking glad to see what's happening on the other side of the planet by sitting on your fat ass.

    "they're not even freight pics, you jackass! "

    3. You are calling me a jackass? hahaha
    between you and i ....forget it i don't even want to finish this sentence.

    4. "my man foe said it "
    slurp slurp...mmmmmmm

    5. to all of you
  5. Ident

    Ident Senior Member

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    I didn't even talk about the fact that they aren't all rail related, quit acting like you know shit.

    I was backing up what Cyens brought up, 'cause she knows what it's like to take flicks and get ripped off by some internet geek. You don't know crap about what it's like to go out and go to the trouble of taking them pictures. You don't know what it's like to spend hours each day benching to get a couple decent flicks. Every dope catches I get to me are like money.

    yap yap yap yap yap

    Take your own flicks dumb ass
  6. afterten

    afterten Elite Member

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    Man struck, killed by train

    Still in shock about the sudden death of his roommate, Chris Phillips acknowledged that Evan Walters was known to paint graffiti.
    "He did those things from time to time, but that's not all there was to him," Phillips said outside the apartment the two former art students shared on Perrysville Avenue on the North Side.

    Walters, 24, was struck by a CSX freight train beneath the Birmingham Bridge on the South Side at 1:41 a.m. Wednesday, according to the Allegheny County Coroner.

    "How he didn't see or hear the train coming, I don't know," said city homicide Sgt. Tim Westwood.

    Police and paramedics found his remains near the tracks about 10 minutes later. They also said they found a backpack containing identification and several cans of spray paint, as well as fresh painting at the scene.

    Police did not specify what "tag" -- an identifying mark often used by graffiti artists -- that he used, but those who knew him said he went by the tag "Angre."

    The coroner's office said Walters, originally of Belle Vernon, died of blunt force trauma to his head, trunk and extremities. His death was ruled an accident, although toxicology reports are pending to determine whether he may have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    Walters had attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh.

    "He was still trying to figure out what he wanted to do in life," Phillips said.

    Walters worked as a deliveryman for Fragile Paradise, a Liberty Avenue flower shop, and loved listening to music and drawing.

    "When he didn't have anything to do, you could find him sitting with a pen and paper," Phillips said.

    Neighbor Patrick King said Walters liked to ride his skateboard around the neighborhood and play with his dog.

    "I've known him for three or four years, and this is unreal," he said. "It sounds like he made a bad decision. It surprises me."

    King said the two would often watch fireworks from the roof of his house or just kick back with a few beers.

    "He liked everybody. He was like a little brother," King said.

    Michael Monack, the infamous graffiti artist known around the city as "Mook," said he had heard of Walters and his tag "Angre," but didn't know him personally.

    "I had noticed that tag around Downtown, on the North Side and on the South Side recently," he said. "I think he mostly painted alone or with close friends."

    Monack said the spot where Walters was killed is popular with younger kids, but is dangerous because of its proximity to the tracks and steep hillsides.

    "There's a lot of trash and railroad ties underneath the weeds, and you can trip," he said.

    The concrete pilings are scrawled with numerous markings and colors. Trash, broken glass and evidence of drug use litter the area.

    "A lot of it is kids who go down there to drink or shoot up heroin," Monack said. "It's not a place where you can just sit and paint, because it's heavily patrolled."

    Police said Walters' death might simply have been an accident.

    "It appears at this time to be purely accidental," city police Cmdr. Maurita Bryant said. "Sometimes people go into areas in the shadow of darkness to do these types of activities, and it's very unsafe. It's a shame that this occurred, but hopefully it will lend some caution to others."

    Phillips said if his roommate was painting graffiti, it was just bad judgment.

    "If he did it, it was because he wanted to be good at something," Phillips said. "He didn't hurt anyone else."

    [Broken External Image]:

    pictures and text taken without permission from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

    moral of the story children...

  7. killkillkill

    killkillkill Senior Member

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    first off. i know what benching for hours and hours a day is like.
    but i dont think im some super fucking big shot and whine like a bitch when someone uses my flick. thats what they are FOR!! for people to see, and if you put them on the internet, dont expect them to be exclusive to your use.
    alot of kids these days think that benching and taking flicks makes you have some say in the world of graffiti. thats just not the case. take your flics and stick them in your ass if your gonna cry when someone posts it.
    i like seeing flicks of whats goin on overseas, cause i rarely get to go over there and paint.
    anyways shut the whining up.
    post flicks.
    and go paint.
    ive got 300 trains so far this year. how about you internet geeks, how many you got?

  8. pepitomicorazon

    pepitomicorazon Member

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    thank you killkillkill but i think he was talking to me....

    ident: you know me? did it ever occur to you that i might know most of the people who took those pictures? What makes you think i don't know about benching?

    "I was backing up what Cyens brought up, 'cause she knows what it's like to take flicks and get ripped off by some internet geek"
    me an internet geek? that shows you REALLy don't know me. you must have some extraordinnaire talents, you can tell so much about me by just reading a stupid login name and pictures next to it. can make a lot of money with this man....

    "I didn't even talk about the fact that they aren't all rail related"
    ok, misunderstanding...

    "quit acting like you know shit."
    so you know what i know?....DAMN! so you are like you and I at the same time. YOU ARE A FUCKING GENIUS MAN! you and I have to contact each other and make some cash FAST!

    " Every dope catches I get to me are like money."
    i think this is the only sentence i agree with....I feel good when i can finally satisfy myself (almost never) and i would be proud to have a "pepitomicorazon2" to consider my work good enough and post it on the internet without taking credit for it.

    "Take your own flicks dumb ass"
    fuck you

    "yap yap yap yap yap"
    sit bubu sit!

  9. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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    Less of that.
    More eye candy.
  10. dirty_technician

    dirty_technician Elite Member

    • Messages: 506
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    [Broken External Image]:

    No one wants to see played out French clean train flicks that have been stollen and posted time and time again.

    If you haven't notcied, everything in here in North American freights. Tracksides hardly fit the bill.

    If you've got so many of your own flicks, post them instead of yapping about nothing.

    [Broken External Image]: bling new post/abcd_post_0Desktop.jpg


    I'll pull your card on 300 freights... hollows and streaks don't count. Post some and let's see.

    [Broken External Image]: bling new post/abcd_post_026.jpg

    It's always funny that those who try to defend stealling flicks are the ones who have none of their own to post.

    if it wasn't for people like Ident and I takeing little forum bitches would have nothing to jock.

    [Broken External Image]: bling new post/abcd_post_025.jpg
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  11. Ident

    Ident Senior Member

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  12. Ident

    Ident Senior Member

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  13. Ident

    Ident Senior Member

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  14. DEMO

    DEMO Senior Member

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    there is something missing from those trains the belong there ??? can you suess what it is...
  15. Ident

    Ident Senior Member

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  16. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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    How many times are we going to have to go through this?
  17. killkillkill

    killkillkill Senior Member

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    dirty tech. pull my card???? HAHA!!
    first off..i definantly dont need to post my trains on here. if i did i wouldnt have to paint so many to get noticed.

    second i know who you are cause you self promote on a couple sites i check out from time to time. and you are definantly a long ways from being someone to be talking shit to people that have been painting for almost a decade.

    third. you super hero flick posting benchers post my freights fairly often.
    i dont need to post them at all.

    and like i said go paint.
    no more chit chat.
  18. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    lol okay, examples please?
  19. kosmo1ne

    kosmo1ne Senior Member

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    yea not gonna say you dont paint...but 300 cars is a little high...thats like two cars a day if you add in the fact of rain or whatever else...i highly doubt that you have 300 cars...
  20. afterten

    afterten Elite Member

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    I get to the yard today, batteries quickly die.

    Of course, the one day I cant use my camera I see:

    Kwest x2
    Junction Joe x2
    crazy characters (artist unknown)
    and a Sensr E2E among many other quality pieces that I cant remember right now.

    I enjoyed them, but you wont get to, at least not tonight.