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Freight Whores And Rail Fans

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by FOEone, Jul 20, 2004.

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  1. morningglory

    morningglory Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,728
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    you guys are idiots for thinking it cool to go over the numbers.

    to see how long it takes to get stamped??? wtf? why dont you just go around tagging peoples doors to see how long it takes you to get stamped. in the face with a boot that is.

    railworkers and the whole rail system NEED those numbers. they arent cool little logos for the fun of stenciling shit unto a train. they are tracking numbers to know what is in the fr8 and where it has to be unloaded etc. so when some idiot hides the numbers they have to reverse check to find out whats in that particular car, not fun.

    trains are really for a more special crowd of writers, if you cant show the respect it takes then stay out of yards.
  2. vman

    vman Elite Member

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  3. jdie

    jdie Senior Member

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  4. youralltoys

    youralltoys Senior Member

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  5. myl

    myl Elite Member

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    took this with my phone...

  6. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    dam. what kinda phone u have. thats kinda ok quality
  7. xAWOKE.925

    xAWOKE.925 Senior Member

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    ^ agreed. and that Gesr is sick
  8. NOMX

    NOMX Elite Member

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    i know where they are, its just a huge bitch to get to them.
  9. Dr.evil

    Dr.evil Elite Member

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  10. chiefwiggam

    chiefwiggam Member

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    Going over the numbers is not a big deal, talk to any train worker (while you have no paint on you/arent painting or doing anything illegal) they will gladly tell you that they dont care. Notice how the very same numbers are stenciled on both trucks of the car, at the top corner of the coupler edge, and on the coupler itself) so its not any harder for them to get the numbers right there, not to mention if you know so much about trains and i am stupid you surely know what a manifest sheet is, it tells them exactly what cars they need and where they are stored so even if you stamped every number on a car including the ones on the undercarriage you can only see laying on the ground they could simply look at their sheet and see "okay BNSF 722455 is here and the next car is BNSF 793990, so this has to be CSXT 161192." As far as unloading goes, that is tracked by a small piece of metal or plastic fixed to a boxcar door or the bottom of a hopper gate (this is much worse to paint over than the numbers and lots of people do it, if this is painted over they know EXACTLY when it was painted) that has a serial number, and industry/ car owner name, this serial number is read by the people at the industry not to guarantee it is the right car but the right LOAD making it much more effective than road numbers. Road numbers are how they refer to cars on manifest sheets, not how they track shipments and they are not absolutly necessary to the railroad. For example a SIMPLOT insulated french fry car with ARYS and PIER pieces on it that you have seen in several magazines (over the numbers jrsx6138 i believe) has been riding for years and will never be stamped, if you ever hit a SIMPLOT and you dodge the numbers you are stupid because MR. J.R. SIMPLOT does not restamp his railfleet, different cars different story obviously but theres some cars that are in between because they have different owners/ leasers like RAILBOXES, kill the numbers on a RAILBOX it might get stamped tomorow it might take 3 years it might never happen. Car owners are the ones who decide whether or not they will put numbers back but there are several shortlines and leasers that do not re-stamp their cars because it simply is not necessary, unless the black box is gone, those will always be replaced.
    Dont fucking tell me im not a "special crowd" of writer, i hop freights, paint freights, bench freights, and am a pretty big railfan. And as a matter of fact have met almost all of the workers at most of the yards i paint that your trying to tell me to "stay out of" How often do workers walk up on you painting and tell you to have a good night and walk away? freights and cleans are what im all about and yep i only dodge them numbers 85% of the time, go fucking cry about it. Dont talk to me like some fucking toy.

    to everyone else sorry for this long ass post, i got some railfan/benching film at target i'll post some flickeroos in the next couple days.
  11. Dr.evil

    Dr.evil Elite Member

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    that was really insightful..
  12. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    they've been putting reflectors on them because, like dr evil said, when some places don't have lights at where trains cross people sometimes don't see them in the dark, so they get the reflectors to sign off from the car lights...and they put them in the same places right in the middle them in the middle of each of those halfs.

    [Broken External Image]:

    and wiggam, some nice stuff to read.
  13. Dr.evil

    Dr.evil Elite Member

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    once upon a time steel did 5 autoracks, each one have one letter on it.

    i was juist walking home from the yeard and i was in the dark and a train was going by. and i missed the E cause my camera dosent have a super flash....very sad.

    ill drop an update soon.
  14. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    i was late to work today cause i had to wait for a freight to go by in front of my car.

    it was an old Guilford Rail engine though, but it was nothing but gondolas and clean boxes. there was one real nice flat green box, i think it was a paper company.
  15. fannypack uprock

    fannypack uprock Elite Member

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    mmmmm flat green box...

    ill jerk it to that before i jerk it to the hot girls thread.
  16. its me

    its me Senior Member

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  17. Dr.evil

    Dr.evil Elite Member

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    lets try this again
  18. Dr.evil

    Dr.evil Elite Member

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    this is pretty . IC flatty

    its me where are u from. please pm
  19. youralltoys

    youralltoys Senior Member

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    nice RC fr8 u caught!
  20. its me

    its me Senior Member

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    yo while we're on the IC flat topic here i want to throw something out and see what you all think. the jero is from 99 and the pepe from 2000, both sick. but if your going to look at it one way the pepe is a sidebust, now i don't give a fuck about people going next to anyone if its a dope car and the pannel is open and i sure dont mind seeing both of these guys on one car.

    what do all you guys that say sidebusting is gay have to say about this, i always thought the whole subject was fucked...