YOE!!!, Mass Apeal, and Scream out, ill exchange... MassApeal you write AHER right? Scream out, you write Swolen? I write RESIN, hit me up
I tried some Afec but failed badly... I don`t know but the F just irritates me... and I have to buy some new markers for paper handies... You don˙t have to do anything for an exchange only if you want.. Zen... View attachment 389519 View attachment 389520 View attachment 389521
haha nice attempt man, but i think imma stick wit my tag for the time bein, ill post sum of my tags soon just so u can see how i do it but yah ZEN, i got no clue in the world how to do a Z so i think imma pass mane haha
I˙m also up for another one (would like to see what Swolen would come up like..) You can see some of my handies here: http://www.bombingscience.com/graffitiforum/showthread.php?t=800&page=16
I tried a MS... ( I will try to do some more tonight or tomorrow..) Damn I have to work on my handstyle really hard... Because some letters are just fucking with me... Swolen how long have you been working on yours they look pretty tight?.. and Maso, I just love your signature..
yes i do use photoshop (without a tablet and with my less dominant hand i might add lol) id rather not waste all that paper on handstyles and im allways working on my letters, i like to be abel to make every letter flow
OATS! [Broken External Image]:http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/2087/oatstaguc9.png done on graffiti studio
my computer was being a piece of shit for a while but its all good now heres a big ol' handstle exchange yeah... i spelt random wrong... so what? it looks better with that E anyways...