I don't have a camera.. lets see your shit, And at least I'm contributing flicks to the thread. Also i don't want to waste my paper.. i'm poor.
Merper Arson Tester MS. all for you guys. Merp thanks for the exchange. If anyone else wants to exchage let me know.
Not very good, I was just bored. ehehe. [Broken External Image]:http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff342/aykayay_/DSC04015.jpg I write smile if anyone wants to exchange.
most of these guys need to go to the toy handstyle exchange. stop askin for people to do your name. go to the toy thread everyone who doesn't think theyre good at handstyles.
not that i get up in any handstyle battles but... it is never really about second, third, fourth, etc. it is about first...
well tell him i asked him if he cud do SAEK lol... honestly i dont care if sum1 else has my name, its impossible to find a name dat no1 has. if we ever meet den we can battle for the name but until then it doesnt change...
for Roket, never mind the yfs or laner handstyles, ill getter better ones up soon, who else wants to exchange?