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Hiding Your Stuff

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Sprae, Mar 13, 2006.

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  1. provinT13

    provinT13 Senior Member

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    Yea I should keep it in my jeep, but I don't have my back seat in there, so there is no trunk or mini truck, and my soft top windows are clear. Maby i'll just throw 'em all in an old bag and stuff it under my seat. Hiding my shit isn't the problem it's getting the package lol.
  2. thephillafromma

    thephillafromma Senior Member

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    I send stuff to my friends house im just worried there gunna see my credit card charges and be like wtf?
  3. DirtyDozen520

    DirtyDozen520 Senior Member

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    The other night I sort of told my dad that I'm guna start writin and he sort of said that its all good with him but just dont get caught. so..once I get some paint I can just put them anywhere in my room aha
  4. provinT13

    provinT13 Senior Member

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    Yea I was worried about that too, but if they ask i'll say "it's for my jeep" cuz I dump tons of $$ into that machine.
  5. (SoS)Viruz

    (SoS)Viruz Elite Member

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    Well Dirty its not that easy for everyone......So what I recomend for ppl. Hide shit in your backpacks.....Colths Doors, Closet, Somewhere in your room where they cant see it.
  6. provinT13

    provinT13 Senior Member

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    Sweeeet. I just found out that I can leave a note for the ups man if I leave for work before my package gets here. It's gonna say "Dear UPS man, knock, if no one is here to take the package please leave it on the south side of the house by the fence. The package is a birthday gift and the birthday boy can't find it. And if you could throw this sign away so there is no evidence that would be amazing" Or something along those lines, and hopefully if he's nice he'll do all of that haha.
  7. ghij289

    ghij289 Guest

  8. thephillafromma

    thephillafromma Senior Member

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    so my mom was checking my account and goes wtf did you order from quebec andi was like a new hockey stick cuz i broke my old one then i went and snagged one from dicks wrapped it up and put it on my porch a few days later im a genius i know muahhahahaah
  9. provinT13

    provinT13 Senior Member

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  10. KSFone

    KSFone Member

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    All over my room haha, like 4 different spots, probabaly not a good idea haha!
  11. ..romero..

    ..romero.. Elite Member

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    your parents suck.i order tips and markers and all types of shit and my mom doesnt say a damn thing.
  12. provinT13

    provinT13 Senior Member

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    Well i'm going to college next year and I have a room to myself, no roommates, and paint, unlike weed is legal to have so I don't have to worry about hiding my markers, paints, and packages anymore.
  13. Genghis Tron.

    Genghis Tron. Senior Member

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    everywhere and anywhere. they know, and don't care. they just don't want to pay my fines and shit.
  14. thephillafromma

    thephillafromma Senior Member

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    yeah i know there overprotective and such i think ill do a paypal account so then they cant see where it goes
  15. Cure Sure Lure

    Cure Sure Lure Senior Member

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    First I would be hiding it in bushes and then when I would go bombing I would go to the bushes and check out if the cans were still there and use them. I would mark the bushes with a colour so it's easy to find. And if you do not like to do that because of worrying of it might get stolen ( If you take the time to hide it, it won't ) Just hide it in your closet, keep it in a shoe box, if you have a garage hide it there, or hide it at a friends house.

    Now my mother knows I do graffiti, but I just told her I would be doing to it only on legal walls, I only go to legal walls when it's sunny in the morning and I want to bomb really really bad. Just tell your parent's the truth,always better.
  16. adreniline_zero

    adreniline_zero Senior Member

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    got my own place no need to hide anything really
  17. mmmmtasty905

    mmmmtasty905 Senior Member

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    put you're shit in the dumbest place ever. if you're parents know you graff and try to stop you by taking you're supplies, put it in a dumb place.. they always try and look in reallyyyy good spots. simply, i hide my shit behind clothes, in the armoire. has never failed.
  18. touchmycock

    touchmycock Member

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    you shouldnt keep your stuff in your house..ever. no matter who lives with you, never keep evidence in your
  19. ReKoNe~!

    ReKoNe~! Banned

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    cans of paint arent really incriminating..
  20. proNYNJA

    proNYNJA Senior Member

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    put it in shoe boxes and keep put them under ur bed towards to back and then put the boxes with real shoes in them towards the front.