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Hiding Your Stuff

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Sprae, Mar 13, 2006.

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  1. dreaken1993

    dreaken1993 Senior Member

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    put ur markers in a bag and throw them bitches in a hole or put em in the back of your toilet

    and should you keep paint and shit in the crib like can that be used against you??
  2. DeeSquared

    DeeSquared Senior Member

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    i rip the head off my teddy bear and stuff my shit in that
  3. dreaken1993

    dreaken1993 Senior Member

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    or you can just keisture your paint
  4. ReKoNe~!

    ReKoNe~! Banned

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    if you REALLY do need to hide your paint from your parents then look under your chair/couch in your room the arms USUALLY (my new couch and my old couch) have box like areas that are just the support, when i stashed my paint i could fit 8 cans in each arm and then just put the cushions back on
  5. dreaken1993

    dreaken1993 Senior Member

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    or if you gotta recliner in your room just put your shit in a box and put it in the space that is made when you make the bottom extend
  6. "Sin"

    "Sin" Senior Member

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    if you like shoes, and clothes and shit, just keep your shoes and keep all your shit in them. i have like 6 boxes of paint, 2 of markers, 1 of gloves and mic. items, and 1 of inks. hahah
  7. Black Flag

    Black Flag Elite Member

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    The best way is just to get involved in other works that are consider "legitimate art".

    For example, canvases or other mediums, you can hide most of your supplies in plain sight. Except for spray paint, unless you are lucky enough to do mural work.
  8. DUNSY

    DUNSY Senior Member

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    who cares if there are markers or paint in your room, if my mom asks "i just paint on legit walls"
  9. Delse

    Delse Senior Member

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    i never keep my paint in my house..well i have a couple pocket cans in the pockets of my winter jackets in the closet(in the very back)...i have everything else books,markers,stickers at my mom dont care about that stuff..but a good place to hide paint is in the pockets of heavy jackets and i used to keep paint in my mattress
  10. crossfire101

    crossfire101 Member

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    In a random bag or in my play house
  11. Namek

    Namek Member

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    easy access to under my house, and a part of it has like some protective shit to stop the dog from running away..
    chuck it under there and its sweet as, noone goes under the house so i doubt anyone will find it soon.
  12. YOLK01

    YOLK01 Senior Member

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    If you have drop ceilings its self explanatory. Look for holes in walls and small OTR markers can fit into the expasion bay of a PS2. Also you could duct tape paint cans to the underside of your bed,tables,etc.
  13. TECKN

    TECKN Senior Member

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    i leave my markers in my backpack cause i just take my backpack everywhere i go
    and my paint under my nightstands, just roll em under
  14. resign

    resign Member

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    told my mom, she said its cool if i dont get caught.

    put your paint in your garage, in a cabinet, they probably wont think its yours if they find it.
  15. slipyslipyslipymegeee

    slipyslipyslipymegeee Senior Member

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    i have this dresser with shelves and i can stack like 120 cans in it so yea i just tell ppl to get the fuck out of my room if im not in there
  16. Darko

    Darko Senior Member

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    put it in your garage, thats what i do and nobody is scuspicious
  17. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    I have a book shelf and just keep it behind the books, even though I have mad scrap cans in my backyard. All my markers and other shit other than cans are out
  18. massacreman

    massacreman Elite Member

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    i just have my cans in a showcase in the middle of my room, i just write Gesmo2 legally, i tell everyone, but nobody knows that i write illegally exept for my m8's
    but my friend keeps his cans and markers in an old computer, he just cleared it out and put the shit in
  19. crossfire101

    crossfire101 Member

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    I have a quarter pipe in my garden that you can open up to back of and I hide everything in there
  20. -AnTi-

    -AnTi- Member

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    I did that the other week. Stashed it in a bush down a road that nobody goes down. I come make 2 days later and all the bushes had been cut down. I was like wtf. but luckily they didn't cut the bush that my shit was in. I stash it in an abandoned shed thing now. A bit of a trek but should be good there for a while. I also put rocks over the top so you cant see it.