Suicide girls arent my style...but everytime you post that first girl. I wanna make love to the computer screen. Shes soooooo naturally pretty. Hahah I hope no one caught that.
I loooooove latinas. Yay or nay Kay? [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: Tooo much searching. Latinaaas. :wub:
i think this girls a major babe. [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:
i never said i wouldnt fuck a white chick.. id fuck any woman from india to zimbabwe..... i just prefer latinas and black girls over anything else
i never said i wouldnt fuck a white chick.. id fuck any woman from india to zimbabwe..... i just prefer latinas and black girls over anything else [/b][/quote] only white girls...and white looking mexican chicks for me... im sexually racist.