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How Did You Get Into Graf

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Puffer, Nov 23, 2005.

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How did you get into graf?

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  1. Nibs

    Nibs Member

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    My friend Davey.
  2. Sentile

    Sentile Senior Member

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    when me and my friend were both massive toys hes like "lets tagg our skool" so we did (thats was the first time i had tagged) went to some chicks house after got some action. went to skool on monday, got interigated by the Princeable, didint get caught tho :p :rolleyes: :ph34r: :lol:
  3. Think281

    Think281 Member

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    Me and a good friend of mine have been into it since Middle School. We would go skateboard all over the place and always see it but never actually tried it. Then recently we got into it and found out that many of the people we used to skate with were writers.
  4. "voice"

    "voice" New Member

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    i got into graffiti after i started hangin out with these bomb ass writers that i lived by as a little kid. i have always been into art but after i realized that u could switch out caps and actually control the paint that came outta the can it was on. all it took was a whole lottle fucked up looking tags and mad support from the older writers and the rest was history. now im not gonna say im good, but 2 me "good" is appreciating the fact that u just risked gettin swooped on by the fuzz 2 put up a personal expression of urself, fuck wat err body else thinks!!! ne AKron writers holr back and lets show AK wat paint REALLY looks like

  5. Gloo?

    Gloo? New Member

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    I got the All city tag book and it went from there.

    i tried copying alot of bombs and shit in there.and started making my own,came up with my own name and started bombin shit up.
  6. NoneOfThisIsReal

    NoneOfThisIsReal Senior Member

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    First post after lurking for a while, woo!

    Anyways, I used to skate with a few of my friends every day for hours on end. It was ridiculous, we'd skate for 10 or 12 hours a day on summer break, but it was a great experience (and taught me how to stretch my money out as long as possible :p). We'd always stare in awe at the huge pieces that artists had put up that we could see through the windows of the not-quite-underground subways on our way to a different part of the city. We even met an aging writer on the train once (he must have been 40 or 50), he did a quick tag on the seat in paint sharpie but he had a clean, consistent handstyle. I wish I could remember his name.

    One of my skating friends was in a nonspecific gang (I don't like beef so I won't say which one) and was into graff. He got my best friend into tagging (and then later throw ups, and most recently after being busted for doing a throw up in broad daylight next to a busy road he's been buying blank skate decks and doing (good) stencil designs on them and selling them to all the little next-generation skater kids). After watching my best friend tag and do throw ups, and after going out with him and 1-2 other people and watching them tag/throw-ups in the dead of night, I got curious about it, made up a name, was bad at it, then decided not to pursue it.

    Recently I traveled to Australia, and noticed the amazing stuff they have over there. Serious art, like landscapes on the sides of buildings and huge (6-8ft) characters in alleyways in the shopping districts. I got curious again, and decided to pursue it and not give up. I still suck, but I'm working. For the past few weeks I've been working on single letters and 2-letter combinations in a notebook, and I've noticed I've been getting better for once. :)

    I'm iffy on even buying paint until I get a decent sketch down - I want to have something laid out that I can transfer to plywood or something, and start practicing my can control with and all that good stuff. And even then, I'm only going public with stuff I really like. I don't want to be that jackass that gets every little thing crossed out -- you know who I'm talking about. Laugh if you guys want, but whatever.
  7. ONLY

    ONLY Senior Member

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    id been drawing up graff for a while but tagging a concrete storage thing with my dads leftover paint kinda amped me to like do it again ;)
  8. gcrolla

    gcrolla Elite Member

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    in like 4th grade having my bus come to my school with a normel throwup on it. then like 2 months ago i started trying it.
  9. KrYlOnKiD

    KrYlOnKiD Member

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    i got into it thanks to some ex-homies i would kick it with them and shit then they were doin it i tried it became a toy kept it up and for that they hate me but i say FUCK THE HATERS!!!
  10. case3

    case3 Member

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    my friend got me into it
  11. elshameo

    elshameo Member

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    a hate for rules, and a deep passion for vandalism
  12. R.I.P.kost

    R.I.P.kost Senior Member

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    my brother is a few years older and when we were kids
    the rents used to taKE USout on road trips to like cali and mexico and shit
    saw all the ups on highways and shit in LA
    then got home and noticed a wall in northvancouver by lonsdale cald esplenade
    thats were virus,dedo,zlok and krewz used tosmash on a regular basis
    then all a sudden my bro was rockin scetches with abuddy and it turned out to be dedoses brother and then he was getting down with kayos and icon and acrow
    inschool most people dont know it but we all went to the same school even kids like kaput cameo and ranks all went there this befor those guys had established them selves as writers and since i was 3 years behind my bro i just always got down
    my first freight was 97 i could never forget it!
    i met cosoe in the yard with my brother he told us the bull rolls in around 4
    and we should bounce in the next half hour!
    and danm neAR 10 YEARS LATER
  13. DARK_ONE

    DARK_ONE New Member

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    my cuzin long time a go........... :)
  14. 757

    757 Senior Member

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    a can of paint i found in the grass by advanced auto parts.
  15. CaineDoc

    CaineDoc New Member

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    my dad wrote, my mom wrote, my uncles wrote, my aunt wrote, my cuzins write shit it just runs in the family
  16. sadis

    sadis Senior Member

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    I've always been into drawing shit. when I was 8 or 9 my brother told me to put up his skate crew with him and his friends...just tagging. I stopped after a neighbor saw me tag someones car and called the cops. I always noticed graff, but never understood it after that....then around age 15 my friend Idle showed me his first sketch 'cause he met a writer in art class. I figured what the hell, I'd give it a try. I didn't think it would become such a big part of my life though.
  17. neza

    neza Senior Member

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    i saw a killer pecie one day when i was like 11 and was like wow i wanna do that picked up a pen and paper but never got that good but im still trying im now 19
  18. Chainsaw Gutsfuck.

    Chainsaw Gutsfuck. Member

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    dunno really.. er.. suppose my mate got me into it.. then he stopped for bloody ages then i started.. :blink: and got caught. and when that blew over my mates started again.. :D :ph34r:
  19. Nitro_99

    Nitro_99 Member

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    a guy painted nice peices up ma local skatepark

    a thot am gonna try tht

    went home and started drawin then ma other friend started too

    were still toys though haha
  20. seek861

    seek861 Member

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    i noticed it on walls and though it was cool and now the love of the art and the rush i get