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How Did You Get Into Graf

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Puffer, Nov 23, 2005.

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How did you get into graf?

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  1. tense

    tense Elite Member

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    :Djust seeing the art in my hood (aboveone, pope, abe, mask) after a while i started to notice it was evrwhere and everytime i go anywhere now im lookin for graff, its kinda like an obsession really lol:D
  2. rolling roks

    rolling roks Senior Member

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    i had always wanted to do it but my city never has really had a good scene until recently its been gettin up to a few more writers
    anybody in the charleston south carolina area know what i am saying?
    if theres anyone here
    which i doubt
    but i remember when i was in like 5 th grade? prolly younger
    some of my friends had some sharpies and was like dude you gotta try tagging man its so fun!
    what toy wiggers we tried to be
    we used our initials and the fine point
    but 10 years later i started learning about of this crazy shit
    you know tag names hand styles
    making your own inks and makers
    peices bombs etc
    so much fun
    true that tense
    its an addiction
    anytime i go somewhere i gotta make sure i got my markers
    and i just sit down on a bench in a park or at a picnic table
    and just doodle
  3. RaGe2

    RaGe2 Senior Member

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    last year...idk how i was always sketchin some letters/words in class cuz i was bored as fuck
    started to see a lot of throwies around
    and i started to get into....went online looked at a few murals
    started embracing it then
  4. simba kitten

    simba kitten Member

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    my friends asked me if i bombed and i didnt no wht tht ment so i said ya and we wen and got some montana black and well......
  5. -Sinn-

    -Sinn- Senior Member

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    I had a friend who did it in grade 8 he was one of the really cool guys and he got mad amounts of bitches so i started messin around found a true mentor (Wrekoner) he taught me the culture the rules now i can burn that kid from jr. high yet i get no bitches or respect im just the crazy goth kid who hits anything in sight
  6. nero122

    nero122 Elite Member

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    local shit n some friends n then i started searchin the culture n im good at art i think n like breakin the law n anal fukkin the system so me n graff i think kinda suit?
  7. KEMi 4549

    KEMi 4549 Member

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    i got into it by my friend...he was writen in his book an i asked him ta teach me how (joking) but than i got into it an now im in his crew.
  8. shax44

    shax44 Senior Member

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    seeing it as a young kid on the wall's everywhere, and i liked it. so i began to draw it on paper, and after a year of drawing, i bought some cans and putted some of my sketches on the wall. it was damn ugly, but whatever. the design was pretty good, but it sucked with paint =p
  9. ...uhh

    ...uhh Senior Member

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    ...well we were at this kegger ... and she got really drunk... and i took her into a room ... and she passed out face down ass up... and well thats how i got into sarah...
    huh... OH GRAFFITI!! ... uh yeah a friend ...

  10. rayseone

    rayseone Senior Member

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    i honestly would say i dont even know, i guess it started by moving to canada, right after i got here i met someone who was a writer but hes done now,2 years ago i started taggin then just fell off after six months or so . then around last november got into it again, ever since the its being an addiction, i do something with graff everyday wether its sketching, catching a tag, practicing paintiing in the backyard etc. its turned in to one of those things like when im walking some where if i can walk in five minutes and see no graff or walk in twenty and see lots id rather take twenty mins. its just a mixture of everything really, i cant say one day i got into it, it prolli like evolved over time
  11. S!4 760

    S!4 760 New Member

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    ive never seen a black book before, but saw some of that DAIM guy's work. it was incredible. And I just took it from there, taggin in tunnels and schools haha
  12. Soeffinblack

    Soeffinblack Member

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    I took a trip to New York when I was about 12, we were moving my sister there, the whole way there on teh highways off to the sides there was nothing but vacant buildings and graffiti, as well as vacant buldings with graffiti on them haha. I thought man this stuff really gives this place its own character. Coming from Ohio I never really saw that at all. You drive through a town and what do you know it looks just like the town I was just in a few miles back, clean cut and boring and if you didnt know where you where you probbably wouldnt be able to tell the difference one town to the next, I hate it. not even in big places like cleveland did I really see much. and if there was any it was almost ghostly because it had bee natempted to be buffed already. I know it might sound corny but that was my first inspiration was my trip to NY there was just massive amounts of it everywhere. I just didnt know where to start especially at that age, not until recently atleast. I had friends throughout highschool with blackbooks and did sweet stuff they just never went out I dont think, they where more artists than street artists. thats my story.
  13. Pryze$

    Pryze$ Senior Member

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    I just got into it naturally at roun 9 or 10 yrs old.
    It jus evolved from the way I wrote normally.....
    sloppy and barely readable lol. Wat sucks is that
    after 3 yrs of doin it i cant really advance into
    wildstyle, too much technique(lame reason rite)
    Im good at throw-ups an tags......:p
  14. Destroyka

    Destroyka New Member

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    had a cousin that got me into when i went to vist
  15. anti-anti-crime

    anti-anti-crime Elite Member

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    when i was in 7th grade i just started doodling random ass shit, then i got into letters and then i got into graf cause i likes writing on other ppls property more
  16. pocket change

    pocket change Senior Member

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    bout a year and half ago went to northen cali for a snowboard contest. flew outa boston, saw a shit load, stayed in sacramento saw some. went to san fransico for a day and saw some more, and the last night i was there i walked down to like stapled or some bullshit that was open at 12 in the morning and got markers and a note book and all i did was draw for 5 and half hours home then the 2 hour car ride. now i barley snowboard and have been arrested three times and faced 2 felony charges for two different cities. now im still sketching. not painting now cause i live no where near a city and plus i have 218 hours community service and probabtion. so it pretty much took my life, pretty much gave up one of the three things i love which would be snowboarding for graff. yay. the end. im bored. good bye.
  17. -Saiko-

    -Saiko- Senior Member

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    Well, mainly seeing kids around my town tag and bomb, it got me influenced so now i wanna do the same and am, so far its turnin out good, but I dont bomb alot, only once a week, but i think of it like 8956253589 times a day and it sucks that im only 15 and i cant go out all the time, i know alot of other homies out there feel the same, can't wait till i get my drivers license :D
  18. -Saiko-

    -Saiko- Senior Member

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    wow man... that seriously sucks.... my advice to the rest of you...

  19. pocket change

    pocket change Senior Member

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    you dont understand kid, it wasnt my fault. one of my friends ratted me out. told them EVERY spot. even spots that he wasnt positive that were mine. o and dont park in parking garages..a cop pulled up right behind me right when i was bout to go home. had paint on my hands, bingo dabber filled with ink(he thought it was a pipe bomb..dumbass) and bout 6 cans of paint on my passenger side floor. but i told him it was for canvases and stenciling my skatboard. and guess what. he belived it. till my buddy ran his mouth...and i have been best friends with him since kindergarden. so dont trust anyone. i learned the hard way. o and i covered his ass on plenty of shit, he knew that too, but yet he still did it. i guess its just pay back for fucking his bitch bout a year ago..ha now i dont feel bad at all.
  20. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    thats a blessin in disguise, now u can fuck her twice