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How Did You Get Into Graf

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Puffer, Nov 23, 2005.

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How did you get into graf?

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  1. pocket change

    pocket change Senior Member

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    nah not really shes an anorex whore. and plus i have a much better girl of my own now. that isnt a slut. been with one guy which was over a year ago. left her boyfriend to be with me. wanted me before then i turned her down cause i had some girl that was a peice of shit but then i got rid of her and the girl still liked me, left her new boyfriend that has already graduated highschool, smart, preppy. but she left him for the me, the kid that praticilly fails all classes, gets arrested, on thats a blessing..
  2. kog_throwie

    kog_throwie Senior Member

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    my brother got me into his work there was a big shopping kart filled with krylon sparypaint so he took some and did some shit ass donkey raped graffiti...
  3. pyroguy

    pyroguy Member

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    long story short always loved tattoos had a friend that loved them he showed me the similarities between the 2 and me and graffiti fell in love and we popped out a couple kids, uh i mean bombs and im still goin
  4. killtheugly

    killtheugly Senior Member

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  5. Panda Jerk

    Panda Jerk Elite Member

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    in sixth grade my friend got me into it
  6. shax44

    shax44 Senior Member

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    i saw graffiti at a legal wall once, and i took pictures of everything. then i started to sketch. done that for a couple of years, then i needed something illegal to do and started doing graffiti.


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    i always seen graff, always loved it so i started beggining of highschool, i got myself into it basically.
  8. R.S.A

    R.S.A New Member

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    Grew up around tons of shit and liked it but then my boy got into and i picked it up
  9. Brian Peppers

    Brian Peppers Senior Member

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    I liked driving down the highway and looking at the art on the walls since i was little. That's the only thing that motivated me.
  10. drapes1125

    drapes1125 Elite Member

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    Just some locals.Seeing that got me into it i was intrested then and still am.
  11. saucy

    saucy Senior Member

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    honestly, i had to write a controversial topic essay in my sophmore year english class.... and i chose graffiti, just cuz i barely really started noticing it then and had always liked art.... i guess i did a little too much research for my own good
  12. PDN4L1F3

    PDN4L1F3 Member

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    Like nr. 1..
    My brother has always listen' to hiphop, and i think thats how i startet.. but he showed me a movie(BOMB THE SYSTEM).. and i just knew.. Thats so much me! So, since that day i have been(bin)? bombing and tagging .

    Sry 'bout my English, dont hate me for spelling wrong. :)

    - PDN
  13. stay(KooL)92

    stay(KooL)92 Member

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    i went on vacation to new york and i saw all this Graff and i loved it then i came back to Wisconsin and started sketching
  14. ...Syerf

    ...Syerf Senior Member

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    freights man...i jus saw them when i was younger and thought...whoa, wish i could do that...started drawin and all of a sudden years later iv totally takin off in it...
  15. Kimo13

    Kimo13 Senior Member

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    One of my homies EVOKE was paintin the side of a liquor store. I was out all night skatin & saw him doin it, thought it was pretty dope & started a blackbook!
  16. repsSDN

    repsSDN Senior Member

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    My mates started taggin so i tryed it and it evolved from there.
  17. youngprophecy

    youngprophecy Senior Member

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    these people got payed to do this lilltle garge thing in my town. and my and my friend was at a concert so we decide to go look at it and we walked there and scaled a fence and thats how i started
  18. KREPT

    KREPT New Member

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    I got into graffiti, about 7 years ago and never thought of being a artist until like about two years ago when i was in Russia with my sister and seen a giant wall of nothing but graf work and then the rest was history, went by a few names i was toy as hell, Ive improved alot now...under a new anme and fresh here i am....2007
  19. wolsley

    wolsley Senior Member

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    I got into graffiti because I have always loved writing and letter forms and I have always loved graffiti and calligraphy. I remember back in my GCSEs I tried to do my exam on graffiti. Damn that shit was embarrassing I regret that so much it was a complete fucking mess. I don't think I realized at the time that graffiti was not as easy as it looks. Anyway a year later I did a bit of basic writing. Stoped when I got in a relationship and another year and a half later I got back into it in the form of stencils after seeing a few banksy pieces in Bristol.

    I got fed up of stencils so I turned back to writing. Damn in the last 6months iv improved so much but I still have a VERY long way to go! Still dedication is the way forward!
  20. F.R.A.T.

    F.R.A.T. Senior Member

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    to be honest i loved vidoe games, and one day i saw a game called getting up, i kinda thought it was cool before but, after seeing what graffiti could atually look like, i was like dman i need to get on this shit, laugh if u wont but thats my story