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How Did You Get Into Graf

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Puffer, Nov 23, 2005.

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How did you get into graf?

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    CANADIANA Senior Member

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    going into halifax to see my relatives, it used to be pretty killed back then...
    that was a long time ago...
  2. dior

    dior Senior Member

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    me myself and i started myself in graff
  3. MiDnightSnitch

    MiDnightSnitch Senior Member

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    was walkin down the tracks downtown next to ma boys place and i heard a train comin and the lil rail road arm things dropped so i stopped and waited. the train was goin pretty dam slow so i got a good look at everything. this dude had crushed i mean destroyed a 4 car piece that ran over all 4 cars.. black with teal outline gradient black to blue to white in the middle for a fill. most rediculous shit ive ever seen in my life. rememba that shit every day.
  4. rakecity

    rakecity Member

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    i was takin a mega piss right. drunk as fugg and high as a madre fucker.
    so i look down...and whata you fuckin know im pissin flat black.
    so i hit the whole stall and it's been on ever since.
    as long as im pissin, im paintin.
  5. Pickton's Pigpen

    Pickton's Pigpen Elite Member

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    5th grade, some kids bombed the shit outta my school.
    coppied the throwups on desks hahahah
    did my grade 8 yearbook in graff hahahah
  6. CheapShot

    CheapShot Member

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    well 2 of my friends did graff but they mainly tagged, one was great at pretty much all areas of art and the other sucked, and they came to school with all kinds of markers that they racked all the time, and i thought they were just fags thinking they were badass,

    our town is small and has like 3 artists, who usually tag alleys, but one day some "gang" of loser kids climbed up a wall in our school in a dark lobby that no one goes in much and made a huge throwup in pencil between classes..

    so my 2 buddies wanted to go over it, so they told me to come up with a name, i cant even remember what it was but the next day with some woodcraft markers and mops with shitty ink we completely filled the whole room (it was dark and people dont go there in the morning) with tags, the lineoleum floors, the walls, the ceiling tiles, a window etc.. then they got called down to the office, and for some reason they defended my ass and wouldnt say who I was, they got kicked out for 5 days, community service, restitution w/e, not much trouble in town since they werent up much.

    i wanted to be better than them, instead of just tags i wanted to go bigger. i knew id be more careful than them i mean they brought paint to school, tagged theyre clothes, shoes backpacks, notebooks,

    so i changed my name to cheapshot, sounds cool and as graffiti artists we constantly "cheapshot" people so it fits. and i learned more about graff online, etc, and i wanted to be better than the guys here, and the fact that its a small town means more fame, but its winter now so im stocking up, sketching, reading up on techniques and w/e, but id like to see some more talent in this town, inspire some new artists, its my goal to be responsible for starting graff in this town,

    so basically im tired of looking at the same shades of gray, i wish there was color around every corner like the cities
  7. vaginajuice

    vaginajuice Senior Member

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    damn, thats a beast ass story
  8. foamer

    foamer New Member

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    I went on a two holidays to barcelona and berlin in the space of a year, just got hooked by looking at stuff then found this site and it all kinda took off from there.
  9. JayAyDubZed

    JayAyDubZed Senior Member

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    I hated all the tagers at my school. Cause they were fags and all sucked. So I went out and put line through all of their stuff and got up way more than they did (Too bad I sucked at the time). Then eventually me and my mate made a crew to battle those cunts from my school. Then yeh. I just didn't stop and made a new crew and got more "Professional" in a way.
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  10. compost

    compost Member

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    i went to atlanta with my family and the graffiti jene came out of can of red montana that i found in a alley and told me that i shoud write....and i said sure why not
  11. KASE2

    KASE2 Senior Member

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    well i actually got into graff by knocking on the door, thank god the bouncer let me in!
  12. SilverEra

    SilverEra Senior Member

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    Some dudes bombed the shit outta my elementary when i was in like the 3rd grade.
    Every since i been all up on it like a fat kid on a mcgriddle.
  13. KASE2

    KASE2 Senior Member

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    fat kids can't make it to mcdonalds erly enough for a mcgriddle
  14. KidReny!

    KidReny! Senior Member

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    I remember it was when i was in new york wen i was 4 i got on the train wit my dad and i some cats bombin a wall i saw some shit they did befre and ill never forget the colors i saw it made my eyes pop i just looked at graffiti then id spend hours looking at it i loved it all peices, throwies, handstyles, burners everything yo , i started writin bout a year ago when i was havin bitch problems i thought lemme try this so i got a marker and started writin i remember the feeling i got it was like a drug i didnt think i just let my hand talk you know, when i first bombed i was s ared as fuck but real talk it wasnt till then when i truely learned the true meaning of freedom of expression
  15. me_is_are_of_yu

    me_is_are_of_yu Member

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    iv went to amsterdam to stay at my cousin's place for awhile and i saw graffities on the walls impressed me and i asked my cousin what were they and he said graffiti.
    so thats how i got interested in graffiti.
  16. PeeInTheShower

    PeeInTheShower Elite Member

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    well actually the police got me into graff for arresting me for graffiti i didn't do, and i had to go to court and spend money for this shit. but what really blew it up for me is when my newfound friends were painting trains listening to dubstep on the way there. i thought they went hand in hand.

    kid reny... you started writing graffiti because you broke up with some bitch?

    also, what are you doing moving from new york to arizona.
    your life sucks.
  17. ..LAZRS...

    ..LAZRS... Senior Member

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    I was mad young like 10 or 11 and saw this mtv show downtown that had these writers in it, and about the same time there was this guy "mook" writing in pittsburgh doing some crazy spots. Like dude would climb the top of bridges and shit, but it peaked my interest quite a bit.

    So I started gettin paint anyway I could and just hitting stuff in my area, got caught with a couple buddies. We quit for a couple years, I got back into it oin and off for a while, then a year or so ago I just got back into it again.
  18. JustChillin

    JustChillin Senior Member

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    I had just moved into LA from florida. Didnt even know what the hell tagging was. Untill one day I was with 2 of my friends whom I had just met about a month ago, walking back to one of thier houses in an alley way. They were talking about this mop marker they had bought off of (XD) but i didnt really pay attention and then one of my freinds pulled out a marker and did a tag on a dumpster and they were al paranoid about people seeing them and I was all confused like "WTF who gives a shit if someone see you writing on a dumpster its not like its illegal or anything"

    Then they told me about how things were in cali and I was like fuck this and the next day I took one of those crayola washable marker and tagged on a sign (TOY AS HELL) infront of all these cars at a stop light (Because I didnt think tagging was really bad and that people called the cops on you for it) and my 2 friends are like "WTF your crazy"

    None of it really appealed to me until they told me about the half of a mile long piece that MTA did in LA. Now that shit amazed me and got me into it for real. Then all of a sudden I found out a bunch of my other friends tagged too and i was like "WTF again never relized this was such a huge thing"

    1 Friend- Was actually really good but got busted for tagging up school so doesnt write anymore
    2 Friend- still writes and i thought he was actually really good when i was first starting but NOW i relize that he is toy as hell
    Me- I end up getting more into this then they do
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  19. Loki X Sho

    Loki X Sho Banned

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    Since I was little I loved to watch the trains. I used to go to work with my dad at 5 am everyday when I was young. On lunch we would walk the tracks. Some kid painted a huge sunset on the wall behind his wrk, and his superior called and told him it had to go because everything needed to look clean. I helped him roll over this wall and I was so sad..I just looked at this art in amazement before we covered the whole thing. So had a BOMB ass Lionell train set and once I got homeI drew all over the carts cause I thought it was sick. Since then I loved it.
  20. proNYNJA

    proNYNJA Senior Member

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    Well i lived in LA for like 8 years now, i been into art and shit since i dont know when, when ever my mom or my dad drove on the freeway i would see bombs and pieces covering the walls and i was like amazed that they could make art outta fucking letters, then when i was in 8th grade i sat next to this writer that was in a well recognize crew around where i lived so i would see him doing sketches all day long in class, so one day was bored as fuck so i decided to try making a sketch, it came out all crappy and i guess the guy saw it and was like, you write too? and i said naw im just bored,

    and then we started talking and he told me about these crews and stories and shit and i was like damn this graff shit sounds dope, so one day i found one of those white out pens and i went into a bath room and did a shitty ass tag on the wall and i got this rush or feeling of achievement and ive been tryna go hard ever since then