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How To Meet Other Writers

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by imported_admin, Sep 30, 2005.

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  1. imported_admin

    imported_admin Senior Member

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    So you write and you want to join a crew... or maybe you want to meet others who love your passion, and all your mates hate it.. well, post your teqniques on how to meet others who love writing.

    P.S i searched this and there was nothing ;)
  2. PureSole

    PureSole Elite Member

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    You kill their babies and dice them into a million pieces, saran wrap the pieces and mail them to random people.
  3. amet one

    amet one Senior Member

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    wow your a clown pure sole... just a joke.... do you even write?
  4. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  5. K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles

    K0tt0nKandyandP0psicles Elite Member

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  6. ! PrOPeRr ! .aOk.cRu.

    ! PrOPeRr ! .aOk.cRu. Elite Member

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    THEPOSTWHORE5000 Elite Member

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    lets be cool and make stupid sarcastic remarks!!

  8. RJX

    RJX Senior Member

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    That's a POS ricer in your sig.

    Bake sales and swap meets are good places but you'll catch guys painting in yards or you might hear the rattle from cans coming from a guy on the bus or whatever.
  9. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  10. Krylon bomber

    Krylon bomber Elite Member

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    hang out late nights at the local graff hot spot.
    and maybe you will find other writers.
  11. reaper

    reaper Member

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    or any were really if you good they seek you out
  12. anza

    anza Senior Member

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    go up to the next sketchy kid you see with paint on their shoes, pin them up agains a wall and say, 'what you write kracka?'
  13. Escape

    Escape Senior Member

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    find a thread dedicated to your area and try contacting someone, try and prove your not police, then meet up at neutral turf. Also just check out graff spots there might be people chillin, don't be scared to ask a person if they write.

    And also say just that. ask "Hey do you write?" then they say yes or they say WHAT?!? cause people that don't write don't know what writing is, simple as that. I met a few people just by checking out hot piecing areas during the day.

    Lastly, once you meet one writer it's easy to meet others, just ask if it's okay to go bombing with them or not even to paint with them just tag along. And then they might say okay and they'll bring along another friend, then that person becomes your friend too, now you have two people to go boming with then when you go out with one of them and they bring another writer, that's three people, and so on until you're down with the scene and people ask YOU to go bombing.

    Oh and last, yea listen for rattling cans in someones bag, look at their finger nails and see if they're covered in paint, paint splotches on their clothing, that's how someone noticed me, my finges had paint smudges on them while i was on the bus.
  14. PureSole

    PureSole Elite Member

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    :ph34r: Okay, i'll be serious. If you find a "chill wall/spot", hang out. I met 2 writers last week. It works. Of course, they might call you toy and such like they did me but they can be a help, esp. if they go to your school
  15. COPE2

    COPE2 New Member

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    Hey, when i was a young cat i found the subway system and most city transportaion was one of the best way to meet other writers. Yea cats diss and hate on everything just keep your head up and dont get down, get up.
  16. JadedSketches

    JadedSketches Elite Member

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  17. The Incredible D

    The Incredible D Elite Member

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  18. imported_admin

    imported_admin Senior Member

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    omg omg omg!!!!!!!! its cope2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  19. Krylon bomber

    Krylon bomber Elite Member

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    i bet my left nut that you are not cope2.
  20. ''karma''

    ''karma'' Senior Member

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    ahahahahahahaahah i meet mine at painters anomonus and local hurricane katrina relief scool donate your own stuff garage sale ahahaha if anyone wants to hit me up my aim sn is harleypcooper