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HxC Kids That 'Write'

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by []ASeR-ONe[]paint slinger, Dec 13, 2005.

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  1. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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    oh so you hate them because of where they live and how wealthy their parents are? you're tough as nails, let me tell you. [/b][/quote]
    Haha. :lol:

    Don't get your panties in a bunch just because you and your family aren't as successful as someone else's might be.
  2. meRlin68

    meRlin68 Senior Member

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    oh so you hate them because of where they live and how wealthy their parents are? you're tough as nails, let me tell you. [/b][/quote]
    nah, u misintepreted, i hate those areas n alotta the fags that live in em (u know, soccer playing kids who stay at home n play videogames all day n don't smoke weed), but being from a pretty middleclass privelaged family myself i dont judge ppl cuz of the money their rents got....i mean ive known kids who come frum uppermiddleclass families, go 2 private schools, yet end up as methhead bums
  3. -eror-

    -eror- Senior Member

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    nah, u misintepreted, i hate those areas n alotta the fags that live in em (u know, soccer playing kids who stay at home n play videogames all day n don't smoke weed), but being from a pretty middleclass privelaged family myself i dont judge ppl cuz of the money their rents got....i mean ive known kids who come frum uppermiddleclass families, go 2 private schools, yet end up as methhead bums[/b][/quote]
    You're a fucking loser.

    Maybe if you quit smoking weed, you'd be capable of typing a proper sentence.

    just sayin'.
  4. yesrejwen

    yesrejwen Senior Member

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  5. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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  6. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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    You're a fucking loser.

    Maybe if you quit smoking weed, you'd be capable of typing a proper sentence.

    just sayin'. [/b][/quote]
  7. -eror-

    -eror- Senior Member

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    No, no, all my closest friends drink way too much and smoke probably more than that douche, but I just hate stupid people.

    i.e. him.
  8. Gome-tron

    Gome-tron Senior Member

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    :lol: what i love the most about this

    is the fact that ive seen that lineup 3 or 4 times before. <_<
  9. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    we don't get amazing shows too often. i'd give my left nut to see that lineup with that crowd again.
  10. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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  11. the boogeymonster

    the boogeymonster Senior Member

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    yeah mongoloids are local and cool kids. check em out
  12. vegimite on toast

    vegimite on toast Elite Member

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  13. plane06

    plane06 Member

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    :lol: [/b][/quote]
    dude shut the fuck up, where the hell you from anyways. no one does it fucken harder then here oin the fucken bay area. you can fucken touch the bay. fuck that
  14. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    as in, molest?
  15. MaNiaK

    MaNiaK Elite Member

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    what the HELL is a "hardcore kid" that writes? sounds like emo kids cousin
  16. joshBUST!

    joshBUST! Member

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    you've gotta be kidding me.
  17. dajam410

    dajam410 Senior Member

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    Haha. Come on dude...
  18. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    i remember you from a loooooooong asss time ago. b33f. you're dumb. hardcore AND real emo have nothing to do with jet black swooped hair and girl jeans, for the record.
  19. forrhead

    forrhead New Member

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    i love hardcore. but fuck your district ws es wtv animosity shit...some hardcore has a good message but realistically it has no musical value anymore. very few groups elaborate and attempt to develop the genre into something more than what it is. and yes. fuck fashioncore, theres nothing more fake less sincere, than someone who dresses up like everyone else and dont think for themselves. but maybe something to consider is the fact that most hardcore kids look very similar too, just because they dress more appropriate in terms of what one might call proper society doesnt mean that your ideas of voicing opinions and "not being a carbon copy of the guy standing next to you" arent being unconciously emulated at your hardcore shows. so please, i think we should all open our mind up to different groups, unite for whatever ideals we believe in, but not limit ourselves to knee-jurk violence just because one person may like a band that you dont, however absurd he may seem. keep it real.

    and for the record SB 805 hxc punx wtv the fuck you want it to be ...its our home...
  20. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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