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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aCId II nz, Oct 23, 2004.

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    KARE 2 ELABERATE Elite Member

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    Culprit, i have told a black friend of mine SO many damn black jokes, and quite honostly, he finds most of them funnier then i do

    cause he knows i dont hate him, or truely mean any thing said, i hear jokes... and i repeat them for the cause of laughter, simple as that. A JOKE IS NOT MENT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY

    like if i said "what do apples and black people have in common?....they both hang from trees "....... that doesnt mean i want anyone hanging from a fucking tree!

    So if any people of colour are offended by this thread, let them say so, they dont need some fucking douche bag like you fighting for them..... as capable human beings, IM SURE THEY CAN HANDLE IT
  2. Logik

    Logik Senior Member

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    That apple one is good.
  3. Dydak

    Dydak Member

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    Notice how 3Dicks said" got tell your joke to a gang of black youths" wtf you stereotyping blacks, that they have to be a "gang". Im white, and i have alot of black friends and puerto rican friends and jewish friends. When they heard some of these jokes they were on the floor laughing not getting mad tight over some dumbshit.
  4. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    Yeah 3d you sterotypical fuckhead sayin' black youth is involved in gangs.

    Taste yo own medicine, fucka.

    Why are you here calling us "keyboard pussies" when you're makin mo beef than a slaughterhouse...get the fuck outta heah.

    if we were havin this conversation fo real i'd grab a keyboard and slap you wit that keyboard pussy? what else you expect us to do niga
  5. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    yea 3d you fuckin stereotypical fuckhead
  6. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    How do you stop a Mexican tank ?
    Kill the person pushing it

    What do you do when a Mexican throws a grenade at you?
    Pick it up, pull the pin and throw it back.

    but can replace mexican for a person from any other country in the world and it works just at well
  7. Wakestarr

    Wakestarr Senior Member

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    That 3d guy needs to chill, yes they are rasisct and all that shitt blah blah shut up. I will never say a rasisct joke cause i feel it is rasisct as well. I do agree with you white people shouldn't say those kinda things about black people and what not, and other people shouldn't say shit about jews and shit or whatever the circumstance, the people who say jokes on here know they are not right, but like whats the use telling these people on this forum? there not gonna fuckin listen to some mother fucker calling them cowards? like if you called me a coward would i care? probably not, but i'd be like fuck you, you callin me a coward? then lets fight bitch, you're jus as much a coward as anyone else thats "hiding behind their keyboard" so shut up. And since this is a joke thread i shall contribute. Even tho this joke is degrading to woman and i know its wrong and 3d will prob still get on my ass cause he thinks he knows what other people should think and say but whatever fuck it all, here ya go

    What do you say to a woman with 2 black eyes

    Nothing. You already told her twice

    Word up
  8. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    i mentioned for you to go and say it to a gang of black youth because most of the pussies on here would only talk via keyboard or to a bunch of old ladies whilst driving by in daddys car.

    the reason all of you guys are trying to defend each other goes to show what a stoopid bunch of racist fuckwits you really are. No matter what you say in regards to keyboard abuse it is in one eye and out the other, i will make sure your racist bastard threads will be removed or kept at the top for all to see.

    before you write any form of abuse remember your a racist bastard !!!!

    wakestarr thanks for slight support my way at least someone in here has a fuckin mind of their own !

    c'mon racists give it ya best shot !!!!

    Hide behind your keyboard pussy !!!!

    for those who would like to take the challenge to a phone call then my number is


    lets get this sorted out !!!
  9. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    in the uk we have the big nazi groups like the BNP which is like the KKK which is growing by the day, in the 70's and 80's they petrol bombed and attacked and killed families of colour, this is still happening to this day.
    in the USA there has been 100's and 1000's of african americans killed along with native american indians

    yet a bunch of canadian white kids can just jump on mommys computer and start making fun out of it, until something happens to you or your family you will learn.

    as for 3D needs to chill out, i have been a graffiti artist for 20 years and have travelled and painted worldwide. i have seeen gangs of nazi's stabbing and beating people against nazism, you bunch of fuckwits are all ok your sat comfortable in mommys big piss flap chair typing your obscenities !

    i am still giggling at the opening words " i am not racist but.... "

    FUCKIN PARASITES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    about as much culture as a fuckin ashtray !

    you lot just dont understand do you !
  11. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    are you that stupid? i am opposed to racist jokes there not necessary and nobody should be saying them on a canadian hip hop site... nobody should be saying that anywhere. i dont find those jokes funny. i agree with you on some notes, but i mean stereotyping canadian as all being white racists? your a fucking racist joke buddy. im white i live in toronto, we have a very multi cultural city im sure its more multi cutural thjan the uk. now i guess you dont watch much black comedy do you? alot of black comedy is about white people, thjey can say any racist joke and not be labeled a racist, but they also make alot of black jokes, kind ofm like the ones on this site. i have never taken offence to these jokes, because there jokes and i can deal with it. everyone says that whites are the only racist out there... what a joke, i have tamil friends whos moms dont want them hanging out with me because they think im gonna get them into drugs, when i dont do drugs. now i can say there are some racist though i have an indian friend and his mom was visiting here and toronto and a group of white people in a car drove by and said "packies go home" that is rediculous its not just racist but its fuels hate towards white people i mean his grandma must like white people alot now huh? but its not fair for anyone to go around saying "ohh fucking racist white canadians" bacuse of that, that gruop of poeple were racist but that doesnt mjean that all of canadians are. sometimes i wish i could be any other race in school you never hear a "nigger" joke its mostly white jokes because my school has almost no white peopel what can i say back? nothing because if i do im racist? but then again i dont really take offence because there not saying there going to kill me like some nazi fags, but than again neither are the poeple on this site.
    its funny you point out canadians on this site, this is a canadain site but alot of the poeple on this site are from the usa.
    so i think the racist jokes should stop, but you should stop stereotyping canadians into a racist white categorie, its rediculous not all canadians are white, white people are not native to canada anyways. your a closed minded fucking racist yourself.
  12. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    you see ! someone is actually learning !!!!!!

    I am getting through !


    That is a proven fact !



    i spoke to the guy who runs the forum and as much as he did not agree with me (which is disgusting)he says its freedom of speech so i am here to make sure you all realise that being racist is foolish and i am going to teach you all not to be.

    really starting to enjoy this too !!
  13. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    GLUE : i am quoting you here before you went off on your silly rant but if you would have left it at this that is merley the point i am making

    i am opposed to racist jokes there not necessary and nobody should be saying them on a canadian hip hop site... nobody should be saying that anywhere. i dont find those jokes funny. i agree with you on some notes

    you are feeling that i am being racist to you when i refer to all canadians in which means you are offended and so are the people who visit this site who are black !

    i think jim carrey would look at you in a gawpish way and say " LOO--ZERRRRR "
  14. whOaHT

    whOaHT Elite Member

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    stupid fucker, crawl back into your mothers cunt cause we dont need another leech like you in the world!

    If Canada is so ''fuckin stupid'' why does everyone admire our country and just badmouth yours?

    Get a life retard

    By the way lugnut, its Stupid not stoopid :lol: and we're stupid :rolleyes:
    oh where do i begin!
  15. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    when people see this thread mate from around the world they will not be seeing me as a nerd or all the other compliments you send my way they will see that most of the snotty nosed kids out there in Canada are racist as fuck. hardcore racist jokes on a Hip Hop Forum, i dont need to look anymore into Canada when the hip Hop forums are full of racists.

    I am from the uk and from what i have seen on this thread is that

    CANADA' graff scene IS FULL OF RACIST SCUM !!!!


    Your an embaressment to the hip hop world !!!!

    remember when your spitting your dummies out in reply to me today or tomorrow that i will not shut the fuck up until this thread dissappears and you bunch of racist fucktards cease to make fun out of other peoples attrocities !

    Rant Over !!!
  16. whOaHT

    whOaHT Elite Member

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    hip hop site?

    are you blind or just stupid?
    this is a GRAFFITI site!

    need i say more?
    fuck off
  17. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    [Broken External Image]:

    ok so its ok to be down with the graff scene and be racist !!!
    I dont think so, i have been doing graffiti for 20 years and i have never seen anything as bad, Canada's graff scene is full of racists !

    go and have a lie down mate !!!
  18. the infamous one

    the infamous one Elite Member

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    your missing the key guessing maybe 50% of the people making black jokes here are actually black...... in the words of alan partridge "itssss a bit of fun" its not like we are dressing up in white hoods and lynching black people...we are tellin stupid jokes.......since when did a joke hang someone up on a tree?
  19. SIAH

    SIAH Senior Member

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    ummmm,hip...?...hop...? it up yer ass bloke.
  20. SIAH

    SIAH Senior Member

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    you know how catholic priests make holy water?
    they put it on the stove and boil tha hell out of it.....haha...ha...