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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aCId II nz, Oct 23, 2004.

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  1. shyone

    shyone Elite Member

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    i am behind you all the way..out wid racisiim (check the u.k thread)
  2. shyone

    shyone Elite Member

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    but gesus has a are yourself subcontoinsly being racist to canadians..remember to wrongs dont make a right!
  3. scarface

    scarface Elite Member

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    yea fuk off 3DCUNTPRICK lets just keep this a joke thread.................................just to annoy u

    what do u get if you cross a nigger and a octopus?

    a fukin good cotton picker
  4. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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  5. RookieX412

    RookieX412 Senior Member

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    ...racism is dumb, dont be an ass...
  6. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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  7. aCId II nz

    aCId II nz Elite Member

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  8. esaem

    esaem Senior Member

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    "ship those niggers back"..i can imagine someone doing that these days and being assassinated by WHITE people. Black people would be upset but the fuckin wierdos like 3D would be more offended then them nigs.
    I hate how people think anything referring to another race means yous racist.
  9. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    what is the diofferance between a white person saying nigger and a black person saying nigger? nothing unless you seperate races and only use that word toards black people. now adays here in canada nigger is more slang and not directed as a racial slur and is not allways directed to black people.

    sorry my friend but i have no clue what your talkking about... i never said i was offended i can understand if a black person would be offended, but not asll the racist jokes are directed to blacks. these racist jokes arent funny and should stop.

    and you should stop saying how all us canadians are racist, like i said most people in my area arent white and it doesnt bother me.

    its funny how when someone makes a good argument towards you and you completely black it out and just seem to intimidate everyone. you are in no way helping the problem just making it worse.

    alot of people said there not from canada about 10 so stop assuming that only white canadians are making these coments.

    if your going to reply to this try making educated replies and stop pointing finger.
  10. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    i dont find thoise funny at all.
    and yes 3d some of the stuff you say does offend me.
    your a stereotypical fuck.

    KARE 2 ELABERATE Elite Member

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    if anyone is truely offended by these jokes, i agree that the thread should be closed...... but as it seems, the only person offended is some white guy who has no personal relation to the subject and probably doesnt have a single black friend, yet makes assumptions that people he DOESNT KNOW are hurt by these comments

    and also how the fuck can u even fucking try to claim canada is racist, we are probably the most multi cultural country in the entire world, and the comments of a few people do not represent the mass's
  12. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    canada did harbor nazis after the whole hitler thing and jsut kinda turned there back but that doesnt mean shit rascits are everywhere in every person its part of religion it part of everything its been there from the begging of time and will be there till the end
  13. scarface

    scarface Elite Member

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    why is nigga racist most black rappers use it just look at that 50cent and biggie song entitled the realist niggaz, at the end of the day we live in a multi-cultural world and it pays to have a joke and a laff at ur self
  14. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    One of the most evil organisations in the world is on the march in Britain.

    The hate-fuelled Klu Klux Klan has gone on the offensive here after being taken over by a ruthless new leadership.

    The KKK made its name in the Deep South of America where white hoods and burning crosses became its chilling trademark.

    Now burning crosses have been found by roadsides in the English Midlands where heavy recruiting is taking place.

    And prospective Klan members are being summoned to meetings across the country to be quizzed about their anti-black, anti-gay and anti-Jewish credentials.

    Our undercover reporters witnessed two of these "auditions" - one outside Bow Road underground station in East London and another at Glasgow Central rail station.

    There were no white hoods or capes. Everyone had been ordered not to wear anything that might indicate their affiliation to the KKK.

    Instead shaven-headed minders glared menacingly at the recruits as they were quizzed about their schooling, passport numbers, jobs and religious upbringing.

    The man carrying out the London interviews knew exactly what he was doing...he has had a career in Army intelligence. Now Alan Winder, the Klan's new UK Grand Dragon, is on a mission to increase the 130,000 reported cases of verbal and physical clashes over race in Britain last year.

    "The new Klan is attracting the worst kind of racists to it here in Britain," says Gerry Gable, editor of the anti-racist magazine Searchlight.

    He added: "These people are attracted by the history of the Klan - the murders of thousands of blacks in America - and would delight in the same thing happening here.

    "These are racists who have no interest in spreading their message of hate through elections but through terror campaigns and attacks."

    Under Winder - sworn in as Britain's No.1 racist by the Klan's American leaders during a secret visit last summer to Britain - the UK Klan is thought to be more tightly organised than ever before.

    An example can be found deep in the vaults of Companies House in Central London where business firms are obliged by law to file records and accounts.

    Company number 03409828 is a newly-formed business, Invisible Empire (Europe) Limited.

    The words "Invisible Empire" were coined by America's early Klansmen to describe the way that identities were protected so they could carry out lynchings and murders of non-white people. Winder is listed as a director of Invisible Empire (Europe) Ltd and his home address is the company's registered office.

    The limited company has been set up not just to channel funds, but also to make it more difficult for the police to prosecute Klansmen. Under British law it is more difficult to secure a criminal conviction against a company than it is against individuals.

    And so when Britain's Klansmen produce hate-filled literature and racist T-shirts and badges, they can shield behind Invisible Empire (Europe) Limited.

    The company secretary and No.2 to Winder is Bill Binding, who at last May's General Election stood in Dagenham as a British National Party (BNP) candidate...a clear example of the close links between ultra right- wing organisations.

    The Klan claims to have 400 activists, including Mark Atkinson, the far-right Combat 18 member jailed last week for 21 months for terrorising boxer Frank Bruno's mother.

    The KKK - the words Klu Klux are derived from the Greek for circle - was initially set up as a social circle in Tennessee for Confederate veterans of the 1861-65 American Civil War in which 620,000 lives were lost.

    But it was soon taken over by black-hating "rednecks" furious at the freedom given to slaves following the Northern States' victory over the South.

    The shadowy organisation has remained intact and six years ago American KKK leaders - known as wizards - helped form the British Knights of Ku Klux Klan.

    Winder, 35, a salesman, and Binding, 65, a former railman, wrested control of the British KKK earlier this year from its former commander Allan Beshella, 40, now based in Wales.

    After his coup, Winder made his intentions clear in a secret letter to Klan activists: "I intend to make us a success.

    "By a 'success' I mean nothing short of our being the leading group throughout Europe for the fight for the preservation of our race and community, and the exile of the Jewish and mud races."

    He added chillingly: "The Invisible Empire is exactly what it says - the Invisible Empire. We shall not be contesting parliamentary seats, nor holding mass rallies."

    To reduce the risk of the authorities interfering with their activities, the formation of para-military-style cells is planned by Winder, previously involved in the far-right BNP, National Front, British Movement, National Action Party and National Socialist Alliance.

    The British KKK is most active in Nottinghamshire, Derby, Glasgow, West Yorkshire, Surrey, Hampshire, Thames Valley and South Wales. Two years ago it was revealed that a leading Klan member was Mike Putley, a civilian computer operator in the Royal Navy.

    It has other supporters in the armed services.

    A letter posted in Cyprus by an anonymous serving soldier to a UK-based KKK paper said: "When I hear the trouble we get with blacks in British streets it makes me sick to think that I can't do anything while I'm stuck here.

    "When I return I want to join the Klan and I know a lot of people in my regiment who feel the same. We don't have any blacks."

    Asian gangs have been formed to hit back at white attackers but this has delighted the far right. It wins them more recruits and increases the racial tension on which they thrive.

    Mr Gable, whose Searchlight magazine has bravely monitored and reported on the far-right groups, said: "If anybody thinks the Klan is about people dressing up in white sheets and messing around, they should took at their criminal records.

    "They parade in America in combat fatigues like a militia and are now organising and arming themselves as such.

    "The fact that they have set up a company here suggests they are going to be better organised than they have been before.

    "These new developments are particularly worrying."
  15. scarface

    scarface Elite Member

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    ^^ yo fuck the KKk itz one thing tellin a joke but that shit iz just out of order and they would not win if they took on all the blacks i for one would blow there fukin faces off fukin KKK wankers
  16. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    will you shut up with your bullshit drivel.

    "whats an apple and a n*gg*r got in common, they both hang from trees" is not funny and any joke like it is totally out of fuckin order, where is the fuckin joke, 1000's of black men were hung from trees, had their dicks cut off whilst swinging from them in the USA, where is the fuckin humour in that ?

    dont answer me with your " fuck off, faggot, dickhead, blah blah blah "

    give me a dignified answer or fuck off !
  17. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    This article is taken from

    During the civil war photographs started to be taken of certain people doing certain things to other people, but they weren't necessarily trophy photographs, they were more like documentary photos. It wasn't until sometime later that the real concept of trophy photographs took off. It took off in such a great way that parties were held, and days off were given. People from within and around a certain community would travel for miles to participate in taking these trophy photographs.

    What were these photographs of, you ask? Black men and women being lynched! Black men and women and in some cases their children being raped, burned, castrated, and hung from trees! Many Americans posed next to these tree hanging people, these pieces of strange fruit so that they could be in a trophy photograph and show everyone just how they dealt with people who they dehumanized, humiliated, conquered! They too had the same sort of self satisfaction and smile on their faces that the soldiers in Iraq have on their faces!

    can anyone find humour in this please !!!!!
  18. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    ?? wtf. why dont you do somthing about it? i dont live in europe here in canada we dont have those problems. you have gone off topic way to far i dont even know what your trying to prove, that the kkk is still around in europe? at first you were ranting about how racist canad was. seriously im confused.t
  19. 3DCulprit

    3DCulprit Member

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    Glue the fact that you dont have them problems makes me want to put a fuckin bullet in your head, dont make reference to black peoples fuckin atrocities if you dont know, i have been fighting against the fuckin nazis since i was 15 which is for 20 years , i have had run ins with the klan in the usa, they are murdering bastards and to make jokes of their evil pleasure is fuckin out of order, ok people might think ffs why u so bothered, well i am and thats it, sitting their behind your computer on a graffiti site which is one of the only cultures in the world that unites people is a fuckin disgrace.

    My rant is over but even if you all dont stop at least i have put the spark in your mind to reconsider, just dont joke about it, thats all i ask !
  20. SBQ-PK

    SBQ-PK Senior Member

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    dude, if you're just going to come here to start shit and make me go through three pages of your bullshit just to read one nigger joke, just fucking leave. no one cares about you.