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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Zealot, Dec 20, 2004.

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  1. cowboyfromhell

    cowboyfromhell Senior Member

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  2. cowboyfromhell

    cowboyfromhell Senior Member

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  3. Zealot

    Zealot Elite Member

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    nice.. i saw a buncha beauty argon streaks downtown today
  4. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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    gordo might be leaving us :(

    i was watching the news(i only have 2 channels.... and other channel was a info session on how a knife can cut through metal anyways they were interviewing all the candidates who are running for the city council and one of the ladies says:

    "to solve the crime problem in kamloops it will cost about 100 000$ a year to employ and maintain another rcmp officer. we are currently paying 100 000 a year to the graffiti task force and as graffiti isn't a problem, i say we cut the funding to the graffiti task force and employ another full time officer..."

    i hope she wins!
  5. cowboyfromhell

    cowboyfromhell Senior Member

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    the good old days. Characters were dope.
    I can't believe that bitch-made homo made that much cash for playing Graffiti-Catcher. The guy has the I.Q. of a Yorkshire pudding. I was painting a shed once and the cops rolled by to do the usual check up. I guess Mr. Giles called about a dozen and a half times in a half hour span of time trying to get the cops to come nab me. Mr. Pigger said he's a joke. Fuckin Gord isn't even respected by cops. Good riddance.
  6. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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    Gord is just scared. thats all. he fears graffiti!
  7. boxcutters

    boxcutters Senior Member

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    you guys have fucking bsm stuff to look at. so why is the
    influence not coming out in your shit?

    bsm is almost the only good shit in this entire thread.
  8. grafxnine

    grafxnine Senior Member

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    is cos any wirter that gets good leaves kamloops there a small number that stays and it looks like there stuff isnt being posted
  9. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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    great idea! everyone in kamloops start biting bsm!
  10. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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    i love it how only the kamloops kids will know, especially kids
    like gravy and grafxnine, will know what im talkin about when i say this.

    all kamloops was, is, and ever will be, is a bunch of kids
    running around painting with their wacky wildstyle...

    fraze and bigmoe tried to bring in some new styles.....
    but in all fairness, when fraze left and changed his word,
    everything fell apart in this little hillbilly stricken, rodeo stompin,
    Gord's mother lovin town.....
  11. grafxnine

    grafxnine Senior Member

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    yeah the ture heads dont stay even some stayed a lot longer then otheres but they leave to bigmoe left after droping off for so long but is now back on the way up anyways that town brings up some good wirters
  12. boxcutters

    boxcutters Senior Member

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    great idea! everyone in kamloops start biting bsm! [/b][/quote]
    im positive your smart enough to know thats not what
    im saying.


    but even straight jacking theyre style would be better
    than what we're seeing.
  13. boxcutters

    boxcutters Senior Member

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    lets see some of that stuff.
  14. boxcutters

    boxcutters Senior Member

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    your assumtion is wrong. i know what your talking about.
    so you sound like your smart. get kids amped on legible stuff.
  15. cowboyfromhell

    cowboyfromhell Senior Member

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    i love how skies always finds a way to NOT go all the way through
    shit to make it look like an obvious capping.
  16. boxcutters

    boxcutters Senior Member

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    ask skies about marching kids into superstore....
  17. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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    lets see some of that stuff. [/b][/quote]
    go find the threads yourself (taipei, japan, vancouver, victorea, edmonton/calgary dunno if i forgot anyone) were not your bitch.....
  18. boxcutters

    boxcutters Senior Member

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    i was talking to "graffix9". i didnt ask you or anyone but him to
    post said flicks.

    adults are conversing. so you remain silent. thats
    how it works.

    i dont think im getting a boxcutters appreciation thread from
    the kamloops locale anytime soon... hahahahaahahahahahaa
  19. boxcutters

    boxcutters Senior Member

    • Messages: 116
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    im positive your smart enough to know thats not what
    im saying.


    but even straight jacking theyre style would be better
    than what we're seeing. [/b][/quote]
    now im not so positive. :wacko:

    (note to Lyra: dont argue with supra-geniuses with egos.
    they will make you look bad, always.
  20. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

    • Messages: 152
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    your assumtion is wrong. i know what your talking about.
    so you sound like your smart. get kids amped on legible stuff. [/b][/quote]
    i am smart. i know exactly what im talking about. ask grafxnine, ask argon, ask trace, ask people in kamloops what the style is. you'll see im smart after you get your answer.

    i dont need to "get kids amped on legible stuff"
    theres only a few people here. the people that are here paint trains and occasionally bomb stuff. why would we need to take pics of everything, just to post it here, so internet kids can run their mouths about it.

    hey boxcutters... the funny thing is, you dissing prose, i'll tell ya one thing, i've paid my dues in this town. i know alot about it, and alot about the writers. i dont know much about you, in fact, i dont know that much about kids tryin to gain internat fame, so that means you must not be important. <_<

    haha you.... ego? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    try me.

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