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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Zealot, Dec 20, 2004.

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  1. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

    • Messages: 2,094
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    we did a better job :ph34r:
  2. boxcutters

    boxcutters Senior Member

    • Messages: 116
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    i dont know of the names you mentioned.
    if i dissed them they must have said something dumb.
    i tried to give you good advice, instead you get defense.

    dog, you paint triangles. (or at least you like
    those triangles enough to post them, either way..)
    you illustrated my point for me.

    what is a 'writter'.

    you wont listen, im done.
  3. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

    • Messages: 142
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    supra-geniuses with egos.....
    too bad graffiti better suits Paley and Darwin's theories rather then Einstein

    for anyone is interested in Darwinism : Darwinism

    i like the fact that you assume that im younger, revert back to the days when you respected your mother and she taught you the following:
    when you assume something you make an ASS out of U and ME

    In this case you are probably right, but im unsure, regardless, its kind of nice to see that someone as adult like as you feels threatened by someone as childish as me....

    if youd like to get tech about words such as "writter" then who is "graffix9"? i only know a "grafxnine"

    If youd like to see some of his flix : Grafxnine

    I've had enough of shitty useless beef clogging up this thread, you win, you can have the internet fame, im not in it for that, im not going to be responding to your next comment, peace

    [Broken External Image]:

    Fyi: Kayo didn't paint those, aker did

    i like the middle one
  4. cowboyfromhell

    cowboyfromhell Senior Member

    • Messages: 439
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    we did a better job :ph34r: [/QUOTE]
  5. wheelchair

    wheelchair Senior Member

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    this is what its come to...pfft
  6. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

    • Messages: 152
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    looks like akwel ran out of the outline for this rolled filler.... told me it was one of the sketchiest bombs he's ever painted... passed by alotta people...

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:

    [Broken External Image]:
  7. wheelchair

    wheelchair Senior Member

    • Messages: 399
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    its nice to see kids doing damage.
    on another note keep it on the walls ,clearly by the quality of werk submitted your not ready to be hitting fr8s ie;gold filler ,black outline
    sitting in the cp yard right now .thats my advice takeit or leave it
  8. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

    • Messages: 152
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    at least those feta boys are hitting something in this poor town...

    ps. SOMEONE GET A FLIC OF THAT TRAIN! :blink: :blink: :blink:
  9. grafxnine

    grafxnine Senior Member

    • Messages: 83
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    grafx9 is me as well in that spelling but as far as kamloops goes who cares too my toys and too much bull shit theres ppl that have paid there dues and there ppl that need to then theres the fucking egos if your a writer and you have an ego theres a good chance you wack and there nothing you can do about it when it come to graf you could alway beat someone up maybe that will make you a better writer haha too many kids in that town dont know repect and the the fucking code if you can do better go over it with something better if not paint somewere else and tag over someones shit just show that you can do much you self at least do a good bomb over it not something that looks like shit fuck that town and grow up
  10. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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    grafxnine is right in that sence. back in the day, there was alotta beef with kids who tried too hard, and kids who toy'd them. those kids have moved on to "bigger and better things" ie selling crack.... if im right in thinking who grafx was thinking about. those kids dont paint anymore. i see nice ways trains. i see nice dehs trains. i see nice servo trains. i see a few feta bombs and tags around town. and the new occasional argon drippys. thats it.

    its just sad that kamloops raised sooooo many good writers, and now, the scene has died emensly. :unsure:

    but then again grafx, when you taught fraze the ropes.... you know how it goes.
    and now look what hes turned into...
    pure genius.
  11. its poop again

    its poop again New Member

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    :ph34r: sounds like kamloops is doing well. of course writers move onto bigger and better things. some people realize that there is more to life than a small town in bc with dead ends. just because you havent seen anything new from some of the writers doesnt mean they arent painting. either they have in fact stopped writing, or they are else where not filling the interent up... :ph34r:

    you can only find a ninja if he so allows it... :ph34r:


    :angry: i cant find the ninja!!
  12. Served your punk ass!

    Served your punk ass! Senior Member

    • Messages: 213
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    Heyaaaa... Ya know i always come on this forum hoping to see something interesting... But the shit talking has gotta stop... I mean you guys are all saying.. " what happened to Kamloops writers"... "there not writing anymore".. blah blah blah. The truth is the K-town scene is whack. We have moved onto bigger and better places w/ our graff. All you new writers need to do a little more sketching before you go get urselves in trouble with mommy! Stick to paper... not trains kids.
    Yall gotta start somewhere, but the yards are not it.
    Respect.. Cme
    werd to zelot for keeping this thread alive though.. e-mail me...
  13. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

    • Messages: 152
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    true true.

    everyone respects cme.....
  14. gun runner

    gun runner Senior Member

    • Messages: 422
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    this is a terrible way to describe it, if your doing 'secret graffiti' your completely missing the point.
  15. grafxnine

    grafxnine Senior Member

    • Messages: 83
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    what the excel wall i have seen it its not that great that town is dead and you know it fuck gravy comes back there for like two days and does more in one night then you do in a month we use to go out and walk alover bombing -40 we would be out yeah i droped off but so what i could care less what ppl think i paint for my self and thats it
  16. sateinin

    sateinin Senior Member

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    i think the point was missed. there is nothing secret about the graffiti. just because we aren`t painting in kamloops doesn`t mean we aren`t putting in work. lack of computer access makes it nearly impossible to show anyone outside the country we are in any of our work.

    don`t jump to hasty conclusions, a lot is still going on around you, it just hasn`t been brought to your attention. things are still being accomplished.

    :ph34r: the floor in my temple makes noise with every step as to alert us of intruders...
  17. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

    • Messages: 152
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    it may be happening around us (like with once kamloops writers) its just not happening in kamloops anymore. trains are being painted. cme is putting in their work. and alotta work at that. but thats it for the graff scene.

    my hat is tipped to cme for keeping whats left of a scene alive.
    thanks cme for making my day.
  18. wheelchair

    wheelchair Senior Member

    • Messages: 399
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    kayo why dont you go hit some bombs?
    i did over a dozen stencils downtown tonight
  19. wheelchair

    wheelchair Senior Member

    • Messages: 399
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    kayo why dont you go hit some bombs?
    i did over a dozen stencils downtown tonight
    let get some shit goin
  20. Served your punk ass!

    Served your punk ass! Senior Member

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    I love wheelchair and his crazy blue shoes....
    By the way sateinin, you are a bitch ass. you say u put in werk when all you do is ride my jock... Go get married already, ur graff career is over