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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Zealot, Dec 20, 2004.

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  1. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

    • Messages: 2,246
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    Its really crazy how people these days are so quick to accuse someone of biting. Its like its become some sort of fag trend in graffiti, just like emo in normal people. They kids think its cool and that theyll be accepted if they do it. In this case.. accusing someone of biting even tho they dont know shit about west can graff.
  2. UsefulJUNK

    UsefulJUNK Senior Member

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  3. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Agreed but you still bite.
  4. NationWideKrew

    NationWideKrew Senior Member

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    hahaha, come on guys be nice to dehs, cough I mean demos cough cough , sorry I ment to say deos..
  5. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    hahaha, come on guys be nice to dehs, cough I mean demos cough cough , sorry I ment to say deos.. [/b][/quote]
    I changed my tag cause of all you peoples bullshit.
    And even had to make a new style.. even tho i cant see in anyway how it looks like dehs. but w/e. fuck you all haha

    (p.s no pun intended)

    and magic ny,, i like how everytime you post, its as if you think your some pro writer haha. You dont have much of a right to be bitching off at lots of the people you do on bombingscience haha.. your still a toy yourself..and will be for another few years.
  6. stickx

    stickx Member

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    NOW,after seeing the footolog your a fuckin Toy, you should actually really bite something, I mean your from NYC yo!! you must be hard
  7. sateinin

    sateinin Senior Member

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    :ph34r: :ph34r:

    yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhaaaaaaawwwwwww this is quite the highschool hallway talk thread. let me get this straight, people bitch and wine cause no one is posting flicks, so some get posted........and people bitch and complain that they dont like servo`s handstyles. if all you could go for all you can drink or $12 im sure there would be many more sloppy tags posted.......and now ways is biting msk!!! holly hypocricy...its a thread!! meant for flicks to be posted, if you complain when they arent being posted, then complain when they are being posted its pretty obvious you`ve got some issues.

    its funny, you think shit talking is gonna change someone? enjoy the posts, they are there simply so people can see whats going on. i come on here to see whats going on back in canada, and all i see is people talking shit. if you dont like the pictures being posted, scroll to the bottom and move on. if have the shit talkers on here put as much effort into painting as they do into cutting down writers trying to put in work, im sure there would be a few better posts.

    :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :

    merry christmas all you baka gaijins!!!!


    :ph34r: :ph34r:
    :ph34r: :ph34r:

    :angry: ps- santa can speak japanese. beleive it or not/
  8. Baxtyr1son

    Baxtyr1son Senior Member

    • Messages: 230
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    ases, did you just call me a baka gaijins? damn son that hurts........ chow fan.

    anyway, someone tell me how i can post flix or who i have to send em to to get em posted cause this thread is seriously lacking. thnx.1.
  9. virus

    virus Senior Member

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    biting my ass..ive done taht s..before and i dont even know who those guys are..thats not ones biting bitting biting biting!
  10. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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    check your messages
  11. Mute1

    Mute1 Elite Member

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    you have been caught numerous times biting from graffiti creator and u even publicly admitted that you bite because you'd rather bite sumthing good then make up something urself shut the fuck up and stop thinkin that if u just keep act like a gangsta people will forget and think ur good...fuckin pathetic!
  12. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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    you have been caught numerous times biting from graffiti creator and u even publicly admitted that you bite because you'd rather bite sumthing good then make up something urself shut the fuck up and stop thinkin that if u just keep act like a gangsta people will forget and think ur good...fuckin pathetic! [/b][/quote]
  13. Baxtyr1son

    Baxtyr1son Senior Member

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  14. sateinin

    sateinin Senior Member

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    :ph34r: :ph34r:

    shatsu chow fan.... ;) ouch...   SHI NE!!

    nice to see some flicks amidst all the negative gibble gabble.

    someone else must have contributions to donate.....DOZO!

    :ph34r: :ph34r:
    :ph34r: :ph34r:
    :ph34r: :ph34r:
    :ph34r: :ph34r:
    :ph34r: :ph34r:

    cut the shit talking. everyone needs to relax over a nice bowl of pho bo
  15. Baxtyr1son

    Baxtyr1son Senior Member

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  16. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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  17. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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  18. Baxtyr1son

    Baxtyr1son Senior Member

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  19. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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    B) no problem.
  20. Baxtyr1son

    Baxtyr1son Senior Member

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    im no computer wiz,just a writer. some flix for this bare bare thread.1