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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by Zealot, Dec 20, 2004.

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  1. grafxnine

    grafxnine Senior Member

    • Messages: 83
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    lol nice to see gravys one on the door got posted lol he was so drunk gravy looks like you should have done the one shot fuck i should have came bombing with you but i was with the wife lol
  2. NationWideKrew

    NationWideKrew Senior Member

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    You cant paint that beach spot anymore ..Its been shutdown

    Caught this shit in eastvan today..props
  3. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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  4. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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  5. NationWideKrew

    NationWideKrew Senior Member

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    ^^^Get that toy garbage the fuck outta here... :angry:
  6. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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  7. killkillkill

    killkillkill Senior Member

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    hey snow 2 skate thanks for the play by play of HORRIBLE GRAFFITI!
  8. Zealot

    Zealot Elite Member

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  9. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    It aint pro, but it horrible either.
    And the trace is pretty sick. I dont know how you can call that one horrible.
  10. NationWideKrew

    NationWideKrew Senior Member

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    Say wut? I didnt quite catch that? Mind repeating it?
  11. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    This is the kamloops thread.. so obviously the kamloops area <_<
    but those last pics were from kelowna bc
  12. AXIS

    AXIS Senior Member

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    dude, its KAMLOOPS...
  13. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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    This is the kamploops thread.. so obviously the kamploops area <_<
    but those last pics were from kelowna bc [/b][/quote]
    i keep telling him axis but he never listens.

    your lucky your in feta kid.........
  14. cowboyfromhell

    cowboyfromhell Senior Member

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    there be narcs abound...monkeys in the trees.
  15. shootup

    shootup Senior Member

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    i keep telling him axis but he never listens.

    your lucky your in feta kid......... [/b][/quote]
    nobody is lucky they are in feta and that skull and cross bones moniker looks like someone was pretty wasted I love it.
    [Broken External Image]:
    [Broken External Image]:
  16. grafxnine

    grafxnine Senior Member

    • Messages: 83
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    i wish i was in feta not sounds like dick cream eaters to me
  17. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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    feta? dick cream eaters......?

    huh, i dont even see the slightest similarity.
    are you sure your not just really drunk grafx? :unsure:
  18. grafxnine

    grafxnine Senior Member

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    sorry bitch male models is was it says it is male models
  19. kayo1

    kayo1 Senior Member

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    . <------- using these makes it easier to read your "Sentences"
  20. grafxnine

    grafxnine Senior Member

    • Messages: 83
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    lol for one thing its not a sentences and i know that and i spent my time getting drunk and drawing in school so before you try to make you self look smart think about it bitch and this is some internet shit i love how all you toy get so worked up about txt and a forum stop jocky cocks and dont think i would back my words up bitch ill be back in kamloops soon