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Lookie-Lookie at the Blackbookies: flicks>talk

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by geezpot, May 2, 2004.

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  1. Slob

    Slob Elite Member

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    SENAS that glove is wack as fuck man, the ribbon takes away from the piece
    the piece is pretty tight tho, cept for that U
  2. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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  3. Confuz

    Confuz Senior Member

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  4. TricksForKids

    TricksForKids Elite Member

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    havoc, that a sticker?, pretty ill, like how it flows

  5. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    Your C looks bitten. Its the only half good letter there. the rest are a diff style.. well not even a style...just shitty lol
    Sketch alot more and generate a style.
  6. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    I really like it. It seems like you would have an intersting sketch book to look through. The quote isnt really meaningful unless it has personal school meanings or somthing.
  7. Compatible

    Compatible Senior Member

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  8. ! PrOPeRr ! .aOk.cRu.

    ! PrOPeRr ! .aOk.cRu. Elite Member

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  9. leaks

    leaks Senior Member

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    things that go BUMP in the night [/b][/quote]
    it is a damn good peice like hot fire but y do u bump ur own shit
  10. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    i bumped it cause it was the last flick on the previous page, and i always do that when i start a new page, and it just so happened to be my sketch
  11. >SM!7K<

    >SM!7K< Elite Member

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    naw man it aint bitten, it might look like someone C but hell thats preatty straight forward C, now those lil lines i got running thru the D and C, those i guess you could say are bitten, but hell ive seen a bunch of people using em, oh well ,oh yeah the reason i post here and not the toy, cause last time i did i got no comments sept damn thats tight-- :( , i know i suck and all, but im better then alot of people in there..

    SIC- No prob man, i do what i can
  12. melo

    melo Senior Member

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    been lurkin round here for a LONG time, first time actually postin some of my work here, crits please, wanting to emerge out of the toy thread
  13. VirginiaSlim

    VirginiaSlim Senior Member

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    MELO, loose the little stringy extensions

    HAVIK, do you use ballpoint pen for all your sketches or what?
  14. FuLa

    FuLa Elite Member

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    "awful" "fula" just wasn't working.... ummm pretty much a piece of shit but better than the other crap ive posted...the character was done in class i could do a lot better......yeah fuck you in advance hahaha.
    [Broken External Image]:
  15. Seti

    Seti Elite Member

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    nah bra i like the piece its fresh for deff but the character looks like westwood if he'd folowed in his fathers footsteps and become a bishop!
  16. Seti

    Seti Elite Member

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  17. phReak-a-NOiD

    phReak-a-NOiD Senior Member

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    it would look better with one side darker green/red...

    and that awful isnt that bad, some letter mistakes and a fucked up u, but the style is nice
  18. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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  19. ballpoint pen chemistry

    ballpoint pen chemistry Senior Member

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  20. acek

    acek Senior Member

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    the 3d one its nice