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Lookie-Lookie at the Blackbookies: flicks>talk

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by geezpot, May 2, 2004.

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  1. Proper

    Proper Elite Member

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    Punk! I quoted 2004...It's a picture but still...Uhm so that's a bump?

    and Reza no your gonna blow some ass the rest for your life...Lol...nah I dont know. Dont mind me Im a postwhore.
  2. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    pen freestyle bullshi9t i did at school. mabey ill fix it up later
  3. < mase >

    < mase > Senior Member

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    SPEKIOS Senior Member

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  5. eker 203

    eker 203 Member

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    mase sick piece , keep the crazy shit up
  6. Mse

    Mse Elite Member

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    havik is that rolo?
    if so your o's are fucked i liked havik more :(
  7. AMAZ tbscrew

    AMAZ tbscrew Elite Member

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  8. tonedope

    tonedope Elite Member

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    sier--------omn uhf bmc

    dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme dme
  9. J.A.B.

    J.A.B. Senior Member

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    mass the fill and overall look is dope..but ur individual letters arent that tight..but it sitll lookk sick
  10. Proper

    Proper Elite Member

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  11. < mase >

    < mase > Senior Member

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    seir, that shit is fresshh
  12. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    i really dont like that sier sketch
  13. tonedope

    tonedope Elite Member

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    dude you dont like anything i do
  14. Proper

    Proper Elite Member

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    the only thing I dont like is all the black in the letters it makes it hard to read
  15. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    cause you spend mroe time on the fill and all that cosmetic shit rather than the letters themselves. that last sketch has like, no flow. im not being rude or anything, its just that your letters lack while you spend alot of time like, coloring it in and shit.
  16. Recon

    Recon Senior Member

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  17. Dark~Ninja

    Dark~Ninja Senior Member

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  18. fuckin villan

    fuckin villan Senior Member

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    ^^^nice i like those sketches, you really a nigga in a wheelchair?
  19. Recon

    Recon Senior Member

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  20. Akshun

    Akshun Senior Member

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    i dont like the s or the i, i like when you spell it cier it comes out better.. but it looked better in class today that fill kinda ruined the piece in my opinion still a good piece not as good as your others though.. i like the one you did in my book best that was dope