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Lookie-Lookie at the Blackbookies: flicks>talk

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by geezpot, May 2, 2004.

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  1. silentlegion

    silentlegion Senior Member

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  2. NOMX

    NOMX Elite Member

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    gotta go grab a clean pair of boxers
  3. HARE2

    HARE2 Elite Member

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  4. imported_4__

    imported_4__ Senior Member

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    you bring shame to teeth in your euro style

    wait a sec too letter peices? familier add ons? TEETH!?
  5. Dr.evil

    Dr.evil Elite Member

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    cause ur shit is soo much cooler
  6. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    yeah i do i have a grip of styles, but that one is the newest and the one i rock and paint the most, i dont like to keep on switching styles its pointless to me i only do it for if its legal/Chill Vs Illegal.... thats about the only time ill switch it but, but ive posted my shit in progression showing all the diffrent styles from the past 3-4 years a lil while ago, im not about to do it again man sorry.... just look threw the 666 crew thread a bit and your bound to see 3 or 4 of my diffrent styles

    but why the need to see my other shit?

    and Hare2 amazing as always
  7. SKITS

    SKITS Senior Member

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    HARE2 that guitarist is fuckin ill wot efa u use to colour it is sickkkk
  8. HARE2

    HARE2 Elite Member

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    4....the only reason i used teeth was because there tendy . and if you tryed them you would realized there fun to draw too. peace to everyone whos not a hater. and by the all you have to do is skim this thread from the begining to see gesus style progress, digress, repress others, rise up, destroy, stomp out, everyones shit ,,cause he has so many , hes a veteran. ...I do like some of his old styles more though.
  9. obseen

    obseen Elite Member

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    resize them pics man
    hare 2 dope stuff. love the character!
  10. johndoe

    johndoe Senior Member

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    hare2 - that first throws dope. like the how the "t" drops behind the whole thing
  11. MR3___DOP

    MR3___DOP Senior Member

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    because i'm a nosey bastard.
  12. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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  13. sibil juggalo

    sibil juggalo Senior Member

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    4 i think its a bite to and if it isnt the similarities are amazing
    but look at the other piece looks nothing like it
  14. MORE.1

    MORE.1 Senior Member

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    welll, i havent posted anything in a loonnnggg time here goes; BOREDOM kills !
  15. imported_4__

    imported_4__ Senior Member

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  16. aces

    aces Elite Member

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    I like all of them! Loving your style!
  17. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    the letter structure isnt that good
  18. dotone

    dotone Elite Member

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    if u looked at the 666 thread you know what he really ment. looks like a dead bite off him(ar4)
  19. HARE2

    HARE2 Elite Member

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  20. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    i know, shits played out, but i felt like doing it the other night

    suck a d