thanks for that input yeah, I'm not feeling the Ps and Hs that much. Im determined to figure it out tho. so hopefully I learn alot in these forums. peace
well that is true tode.. i see it too... well i can see where you come from.. becuz i would tihnk its a bit to.. but for reals.. i dont... its all me lol.. sorry if you think that.. blah
good luck we only teach how to hate and swear [/b][/quote] and how to call out a proper bite, or anyhting even remotely reminiscent
good luck we only teach how to hate and swear [/b][/quote] yeah and how to be straight up hip hop son. foreals B)
[Broken External Image]: here's the rough sketch that I might do for eQust... I'm the worst procrastinator so this might be as far as it gets for a while...needs lots of work...whaddaya'll think?
i love it... it all kinds of sexyness and i didnt understand that P word it made me all kinds of confused
new throwie... still not satisfied wit it .. reads sayen [Broken External Image]:
It looks like 3 different styles mushed together.. try drawing a rectangle and compacting your letters into that so they look a little more even. That might help.