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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by geezpot, May 2, 2004.

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  1. geezpot

    geezpot Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,055
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    That looks like it has some nice potential^^^^^^^^^^^

    GRAVITY Senior Member

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    [sorry plz spank me for double posting]

    GRAVITY Senior Member

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    sweet A, you should done the outline for the whole word before shadin the letter cause you mite get distracted worshipin that letter and mess up in your other letters..

    it happens to me alot =( lol
  4. REdRum

    REdRum Senior Member

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  5. mad

    mad Elite Member

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  6. The Most Sadistic

    The Most Sadistic Elite Member

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    shut the fuck up you cum drinking piece of shit ill rip your dick out
  7. le shotgun?

    le shotgun? Senior Member

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    You are a fucking ignorant moron. Gender isn't a matter at all in drawing, painting, or anything along those lines. You'd know this, but yer probably some whack kid who thinks hes got skills. Fucking moron.
  8. Jandro

    Jandro Senior Member

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    It looks good, but I cant understand it, to many lines... what does it say?
  9. atxbomber666

    atxbomber666 Elite Member

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    me either,i think i see an e and f
  10. Logik

    Logik Senior Member

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    You are a fucking ignorant moron. Gender isn't a matter at all in drawing, painting, or anything along those lines. You'd know this, but yer probably some whack kid who thinks hes got skills. Fucking moron. [/b][/quote]
    . . . Or maybe he was joking?
  11. mad

    mad Elite Member

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  12. HARE2

    HARE2 Elite Member

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    hey guys I just registered....I started wrighting like 4 months ago....Scuba you have to dopest sketches i have ever more
  13. tronz.

    tronz. Elite Member

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    i am so dissapointed when i go through this thread. but every now and then, theres some good stuff. props you know who you are if you have skill.
  14. hasha. i hate this thread, i barely look at it naymore. unless i see one of the "good writers" names at the last post./
  15. Jandro

    Jandro Senior Member

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    Not that bad, I can read it now. And nice colors.
  16. DNA

    DNA Elite Member

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    You are a fucking ignorant moron. Gender isn't a matter at all in drawing, painting, or anything along those lines. You'd know this, but yer probably some whack kid who thinks hes got skills. Fucking moron. [/b][/quote]
    yeah, alot of chick writers shit could burn most peoples stuff, there are few gurl writers, but the few out there burn!
  17. ~*DFaCe*~

    ~*DFaCe*~ Senior Member

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  18. Ravek

    Ravek Elite Member

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    i like ur tag dface its on the lines of a simple style like chillen, and ur throw looks good but the 3d is off it shouldn't be pointing down if the 3d in the little circles goes left, ur 3d should all go in the same direction

    adore post some of ur stuff old or new i don't care i just really like ur style
  19. CHILLEN905

    CHILLEN905 Elite Member

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  20. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    i totally agree with she on this one, this thread has become a big pile of shit :(