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Los Angeles

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by tompenny, Sep 1, 2006.

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  1. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    ~Stolen off KiiD G@B3's flickr~
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  2. NockOne

    NockOne Senior Member

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    its wierd... one of the biggest cities for graffiti but only has 13 pages on bs.. proly cause u guys always busy bombing. propss
  3. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    ~Stolen off KiiD G@B3's flickr~
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  4. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    Intense ass shit
    A bunch of us were painting a spot. It was myself, ZESER, AUGOR, POSE, and NEKST. I was doing all of the letters for everybody’s name and we were all working great as a team putting it all together. We were doing this huge illegal production in a big vacant lot right on a main street in the center of LA. The shit was going to be really fucking retarded when it was done. Unfortunately, somebody was awake at 3am in the apartments behind the lot and heard us through an open window; I guess she heard the noise then peeped us from her pad because (we didn't know this at the time, obviously) she called us in to the police stating, "There are 15 gang members painting graffiti."

    A lot of police showed up and while we were making our escape I jumped a wrought iron fence and upon my landing dislocated my knee...not fun. The pain was soo fucking intense my eyes actually went black for a second. I had hurt it in a similar situation running from the police in Miami doing a backlump on the subway there a few weeks before but I thought it had healed up enough to go out again. I was wrong.

    When I looked down I could see that it didn't look right, so I flexed my leg and put it back in place. Not fun either.
    Anyways, I knew that my running bit of the escape was over so I needed a safe spot to hide. I found what was my best option: the back of a delivery truck that had high walls on the bed, but a open roof. I pulled myself up in there and was hiding for a few minutes. Then I heard the police chopper approaching; my spot wasn't good anymore, needless to say, because there was no cover in the back of the truck that would shield me from the spotlight or the infrared.

    Before it got too close I made sure it was safe to get out, then did so. I knew the police were just around the corner, but I was feeling pretty confident for some reason. Luckily I was wearing gloves while painting, so my hands were clean. I got rid of everything incriminating on my person and took off my hoodie for safe measure even though I was sure they hadn't got a clear look at us since the lot was so dark and we were set back far from the street were they approached us.

    I hobbled out of the alley right onto the street where 3 squad cars were searching with flashlights. I tried to put my best "what the hell is going on" face and as I popped out around the wall the police rushed me, slamming me into the fence with their guns drawn in my face. I proceeded with my innocent act asking "W-whats going on? Did someone get shot?" Their response was "What the hell were you doing? Did you just come out of that alley?" I replied, "Yeah, I was just taking a piss...what’s going on!?"

    After checking my hands, clothes, and pockets and finding nothing graffiti related or illegal, LA's finest politely asked me to "Get the fuck out of here!" I tried to walk away as normal as possible not revealing my leg injury... BOO-YAA.
  5. Snot

    Snot Senior Member

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    Was gonna look pretty serious too. Too bad...
  6. B.S. POLICE

    B.S. POLICE Banned

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    i lold so hard over that screwd billboard
  7. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    Oh what a suprise... More Augs, and Dr.Sex throwin down(F~Stolen off KiiD G@B3's flickr~)
    "This is our game, and we play unfare"
    "Scary in the streets...So they called me a monstah!"
    "From Ashy 2 Classy"
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  8. dmt153

    dmt153 Senior Member

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    Yea it's funny,L.A. is got to be one the most involved cities in the world and we hardly have a thread on here...We got so many heavy hitters that get slept on too,real *****s know what's good though...
    Bump squidder and esto,the homies are tearin up 09!
    And queezy,you should give kid gabe a shout when you gank his flicks...
  9. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    Yea haha I should've thought of that, kid gabe always has the dope flicks.
  10. Decide

    Decide Senior Member

    • Messages: 410
    • Likes Received: 0 and augor amazing
  11. e97

    e97 Member

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  12. Staff Member

    newz12 Administrator

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    Hey guys, we are looking for a regular contributor of LA pictures for We can trade pictures for supplies. If you are interested, please e-mail us at [email protected]
  13. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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  14. Rune1

    Rune1 Member

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    hey guys im landing in LAX airport for 12hrs at 10 oclock today.
    if anyone is free is anyone keen to either meet me there or just straight up meet me and venice and show me the legals on the beach there and where the permits are and shit like that.

    im from australia and just catching a connecting flight.
    just figured get something up before im in and out ya know.

    hoping soemone hits me up cause im bored as fuck and wanna put something up.
  15. Rune1

    Rune1 Member

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    scratch that.. apparently its weekends only. no biggie might just go get flicks.
    if anyones keen to come down and throw something in the black book and jsut show me around town for abit feel free to msg me still.
  16. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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  17. NONER909

    NONER909 Member

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  18. NONER909

    NONER909 Member

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  19. NONER909

    NONER909 Member

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  20. NONER909

    NONER909 Member

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