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Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by imported_newz12, May 2, 2004.

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  1. imported_newz12

    imported_newz12 Moderator

    • Messages: 219
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    This is the thread for homemade markers and modifications. Show us how to get drippy tags...

    Have more step by steps?PM T R E O and I'll get it in the front page.peaceee
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2007
  2. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    my favorite has always been a film canister filled with ink, plugged with eraser felt, and capped with a medicine lid. Uber drippy and pocket sized for the on-the-go vandal
  3. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    nice one foe :^__^: course every1 knows bout the shoepolish markers... (well i hope so aneways)

    pilots are pretty sweet if you flood em abit with some xtra ink... just watch out not to over do it :^__^:

    my current fav (just cuz its so easy todo... dont have much place to make a mess noawadays) is modding my old flow pens...

    -remove the pumpvalve
    -take out the nib
    -replace nib by glueing a piece if chalkboard eraser (fold in half) in place
    -its great for paint based inks and really easy to refill. if u mix your ink/paint right it drips pretty nicely... oh and u might want to add a marble for mixin purposes
  4. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    deoderant mop:

    get one of those roll on deoderant containers and a screwdriver, put the screw driver in between the ball and the outside and move it around the the ball and then pop the ball out. empty out what ever's in there and use a hair dryer or a cloth to dry the inside. pull off a stirp of felt froma chalk board earaser and make sure it fits nicely in the top. fill the container with your choice of ink and put the earaser nib on. put it against an upright surface and squeeze lightly untill the nib becomes nice and juice with ink. go and destroy shit!
  5. alfa

    alfa Member

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    what i did was take an old ZIG posterman (woodcraft) cut it off near the top so that i still had the threads. i remade the bottom half in shop class, i took a peice of metal about the size of the marker, heated it up and diped it into this liqued plastic stuff and waited for it to cure and harden up abit, then when it was finshed i took it off the metal and it was like rubber, so then i glued it onto the woodcraft. this is a DOPE mop, if you want drippy tags, if you have access to the stuff i used.
  6. ESNED

    ESNED Elite Member

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    face painters, bingo dabbers, kiwi bottles, tic tac containers, bo sticks, um thoose clear eye containers with a sock on the end my bud does that gets mad drips!!!
    but best is tremclad bucket paint silver put into face painter and squeeeze it all out on one drippy ass tag... peez
  7. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    well if you in for some real ghetto drips... a shampoo bottle filled with paint and some add ins like brakefluid and abit of thinner... jam a nib in and carry in a plastic bag...
  8. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    take a pop bottole, fill it up with etch half way, jam some strips forma chalk board earaser in the end, destroy windows. dotn do anythign above eye level, the nib can push in and you will probably get etch in your eyes, it has happend.
  9. underworld busboy

    underworld busboy Member

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    I agree, shoe polish markers are the best for tagging. Just empty them out and put in whatever. To make good ink that runs just take bucket paint and pour it in with paint thinner, just experiment with it to get the perfect amout to your taste. I recommend putting in 3/4 paint and 1/4 thinner. Or you can just use mean streaks and rip shit up B)

    [Broken External Image]:
  10. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    im not a big fan of mean streaks... for that price i prefer buying jumbo oil pastels in way doper colors hehe...

    and shoe polish bottles arent that great... on more then one occasion ive had one leak all over... and its happened quite often that my mix dissolved the glue and the sponge came off... thats a pain in the arse... ive actually stopped using em cuz i commute and when u sit down sometimes the lids pop off and shit... the ones that have a screw on head are kinda better though...

    my latest homemade:

    a lil glass bottle that had some lotion or oil or gosknowswhat in it... i filled with a paint mix then glued a chalkboard nib in. rapped tape around the neck of the bottle till i got it to the right size... i cap it with a shampoo bottle cap. fits very tight (about like a pilot) and doesnt drip(well till i write that is!).
  11. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    I made a marker out of berol dry wipe marker, that teachers use on white boards at skool. I got da white board eraser. Took apart the marker filled it wid ink, glued the felt from eraser instead of the nib and it worked. and all for free as teachers leave em lying around.


  12. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    monkey: was gonna try that but ive just been to lazy cuz its not worth the effort for me since i got alot of markers that size already lol...
  13. MoNkEy

    MoNkEy Elite Member

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    Yer i only do that sometimes cos im only 15 and most places in London u need id, cos stationary shops will only sell paint markers to 16 year olds. But i ave a few markers da easiest ones to get are da cheap kiddys silver ones u can tag in silver if u ant but empty dat out and fill it wid paint.

  14. ESNED

    ESNED Elite Member

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    the best mop i have is the new well i think there new kiwi bottles the nib is triangular and its a double nib it says right ont he side the nibs meant to last long, but anyways a line with it is 30mm so ya its pretty dope and it hasnt leaked on me, i put silver tremclad bucketpaint in it, i find only the silver tremclad is liquidy enough, (needs no thinner)
  15. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    :rolleyes: pilots dont have pump valves
  16. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    :lol: you actually have to be over 16 to buy paint markers in london? thats pretty rough. but if you are actually hurting that much for supplies u could rack them.
    ( i dont encourage stealing)
  17. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    :rolleyes: pilots dont have pump valves [/b][/quote]
    he's talking about a flow pen
  18. kostic

    kostic Senior Member

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    The good old kiwi works great with ur own crazy mix of chemicals.
    I stole this idea from all city and it worked great.get like a shampoo bottle the sqeeze type and put watever in u want in it and then when u wanna use it stick and chalkborad eraser folded then some tape aroud the top and then BAM comes out pretty sexy.
  19. RMA

    RMA Elite Member

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    The only marker I've ever made was taking an old useless Chizel Tip Sharpie, ripping out the nib, poored some ink down the hole and shoved the nib back in. Really its a sharpie but wetter.
  20. Swollen Member

    Swollen Member Senior Member

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    Those ZIG woodcraft and glue markers are almost identical to the OTR markers. I just unscrewed it and filled it with OTR ink. Simple, and drippy.