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Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by imported_newz12, May 2, 2004.

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  1. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    im guessing you just take of the top and full it with whatever and stuff some chalkboard erase in the top. use hot glue around the edges to seal it and make a ghetto cap for it
  2. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    put tape around the eraser nib first though where your gonna glue it or its going to go rock hard and wont let much paint/ink through

    STRIFE Elite Member

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    as far as stickers yeah decos, i dont like em in blackbooks cuz they seep through the pages, i use prismas for my b-book
  4. Chooch

    Chooch Member

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    2 q?'s. Can you like hollow out a marker like dry erase and fill er up? and second will a dry erase board eraser felt shit work.?
  5. Adamo

    Adamo Elite Member

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    willing to trade packs of prismas for any paint markers such as decos, painters markers or painty's. etc..
  6. Rusty Shackleford

    Rusty Shackleford Senior Member

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    should i use ink or paint? what do you guys prefer? where can i pick up inks, stationary stores?
  7. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    for markers, i suggest ink. but for mops def use paint. you can get ink at alot of places but if your gonna buy it at a store i suggest looking for pilot ink
  8. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    mops:paint and ink
    home mad markers:ink
    blackbooks: prismas
  9. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    people acctualy pay for decos?

  10. Chooch

    Chooch Member

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    Whats the difference between a mop and a marker?

    PANIC!FUP_MORE... Elite Member

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    im guessing jandro will pay for the decos, and if you ever check out the prices, its damn 4.29 for 1 marker around me
  12. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    a mop is bigger. and usually homemade without a valve system.

    PANIC!FUP_MORE... Elite Member

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    yeah, paint for mops because it flows through better, since paint is generally also works in mops, but i wouldnt suggest putting paint into a markers, unless its like 3/4 thinner, 1/4 paint lol
  14. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    anyone got any info on pilots?
    i just picked one up and im wondering if theres anything i should know about them or anything like that. i know panic will have some stuff to asy, thats his fav marker XD
  15. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    black pilot supercolors are very nice.

    don't need to do anything to them.
  16. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    nice, hahaha i asked the fucking guy who was working the register if they had the rfill ink for them and he said it didnt exist bacause those markers arent refillable. it says refillable on the gddamn marker
  17. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    haha, yeah there is supercolor refill ink... it comes in kinda smallish bottles (the one on my desk kinda has ink over the label but i think it says 30ml) for about $3 CDN.... the black pilot supercolor ink is really good, almost as good as the marsh t-grade dye type black ink. at one point i was considering ordering marsh again but i decided why bother when i can just get the pilot ink locally...
  18. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    i know they make pilot refill ink, i was just asking the dude if they had it at the store and he said they wernt refillable when i know they are. they also tried to say that the posterman biggies wernt refillable

    PANIC!FUP_MORE... Elite Member

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    mmmmm pilots...
    congradulations on your purchase! pilots are does write on rough surfaces very clean, but, it does mess up the nib, and after you've messed up the nib, its hard to use it....u dont get that clean lines, yet you still have so much ink i would suggest keeping it to smooth surfaces...its not that good to write in bathrooms aswell..its more of an outdoor marker since it sort of has a smell, but it will nnneevverrr workin on a way to flip the nib though, so maybe you will be able to write on rough surfaces without worry

    so far, i think all u need to do is take the thing off of the body of the marker (unscrew it) then pull the nib out with a glove on...there will be a neetle through the nib, not quite in the middle..that keeps it from falling out and going too far into the marker so u cant what u wanna do is, rip out the needle, and move it down a little bit (more torwards the rough part of the nib) and hammer it through the nib..then you just put the nib back on with the better part sticking out, and shwabam..

    if this is confusing at all, im open to questions

    rock pilots :cool:
  20. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    people acctualy pay for decos?

    :huh: [/b][/quote]
    i was thinking the same thing :p