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Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by imported_newz12, May 2, 2004.

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  1. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    im really loving my pilot, its such a sweet marker. i get such crisp lines with it. now i know why panic loves them :lol:
  2. tasor_tbc

    tasor_tbc Senior Member

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    i racked this like no name shoe polish marker an i treid it out an beleive it or not the shoe polish shit inside is like super permanent and drippy as well. its really weird but i donno it seems to work an it looks nice!!
  3. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    if you just tried it how do you know its 'super permanent'?

    like, what if it's gone in a week after some rain or snow hits it?

    the reason we replace the shoe polish with ink/paint is not because the shoe polish doesn't work, its because it's not as good as ink or paint. but congratulations, you did manage to screw up the foam applicator on your shoe polish bottle by letting the shoe polish flow through it. oh well, replacing the foam with felt from a chalkboard eraser works better and lasts longer anyway....
  4. mplskid

    mplskid Senior Member

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    ^^^^^how is this marker?

    PANIC!FUP_MORE... Elite Member

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    its the same as all the other otrs just smaller...same paint as the molotow just diff. color
  6. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    i find my metallic blue flowpen's paint flows MUCH better than my molotow burners. i find that the silver and gold paint doesn't flow as well as I'd like (still flows better than my experience with Aerosol Art Bombing markers though). The Copper Molotow Burner flows good though. I'm not sure about the other metallics (violet and red i think) but I'm sure they flow as good as the blue.

    PANIC!FUP_MORE... Elite Member

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    bumsuckfun, yeah i have found that too..its probably because the paint in the molotows is thicker..i can barely get clean lines with blue flowpen write much better than my pink also shows up on stuff better...the pink one was pissin me off so i put the ink from that into my blue one, and it made sort of a dark electric purpley violet (hooray for describing words) anyway, it sort of looks like garvey, but darker...

    havoc-yeah thats why pilots are my fav. marker :cool: nice, crisp, smooth lines...perfect..they dont fade, and sometimes will stain :D
  8. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    yeah, my pink flowpen dosent show up on shit except windows and white things
  9. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    exactly, the pink isnt very opaque
    out of eveyrthing 30 mm montana paint markers filled with nero kill all
  10. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    i, myself, prefer miniwides over 30mm montanas... the nib is a bit smaller (about 25mm i think) but its thinner, really good for doing waves and such.

    but thats just my opinion, i have a 30mm montana and love it too... but i need to get a new nib.
  11. cerse

    cerse Member

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    i havent made a marker befor and i live in britain so its hard to get good inks so can i just add paint thinner to bucket paint to make a paint marker, becuz thats the idea ive got from reading this thread??
  12. bumsuckfun

    bumsuckfun Elite Member

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    yes, yes you can.
  13. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    its not gonna be as good as ink though, cause thinned out paint is kinda thick when its nice and opaque but if you thin it out oo much its gonna be like writing with dirty water. so you CAN do it but i dont suggest it.
  14. cerse

    cerse Member

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    thnx, i just dont wanna go and do it den find out it dont work, i wil try to get a good consistency. and i found a kiwi shoe polish bottle in ma house so probably make a mop.
  15. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    yeah, id def opt for 3/4bucket paint and 1/4thinner in the mop man. ghetto krink kills it
  16. painting

    painting Member

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    kiwi mops still owns tho... Question...? do u get ur marker to be matalic.... is it the paint... or what..?

    another one.. how u put that signitures on ur name thingy... i duno what the code is...
  17. the_uniBOMBER

    the_uniBOMBER Elite Member

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    1) To make it metallic you use metallic paint. There are ways of making ink do it, but just stick to paint. It's easier.

    2) To add signatures, go up to "My Controls" which is in the top right of your screen. Then scroll down a bit and go into "Edit Signature"
  18. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    its usually the ink or paint thats in it. i think therea additives thay you can buy/rack that make paint metallic.

    and your signature is editable in your options thingy. or personal controlls or something like that

    THEPOSTWHORE5000 Elite Member

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    turd cru be killin dem streets (or computer drawn trains) haha
    yes about the thinning paint too much..i made that i kept adding more paint, and eventually it started 2 work out :D
    kiwi bottle nibs suck ass so when its all fucked up n shit just take it out n jam in a sock nib or chalk board eraser
  20. casperFT

    casperFT Senior Member

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    hahaha you actually changed your name postwhore lol