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Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by imported_newz12, May 2, 2004.

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  1. D42e'R'uS

    D42e'R'uS Member

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    i use a shoe polish marker filled with a mixure of rust-olum thinner and brake fluid. but iuse the nib it came with it and it leaves streaks and not a solid line. i tryed chalk eraser but it does the same thing
  2. FatMasterSlim

    FatMasterSlim Senior Member

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    I just made a kinda novel marker but it actually turned out real nice, I got a mini mag light, too the battiers and everything out and screwed the bottom on, its rubber sealed so its nearly imposiible to leak, than do your basic nib installation in the top and the top of the flash light the light part will fit right over your nib if you take the light out, now you have a perfect, non leakable totally hidden marker...good mess

  3. elYte

    elYte Member

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    oka..this my verison of makin a marker..can't explain it to make it seem easy, so i took some time and took a few snap it is..

    <img src=>

    (.1) Your going to need these Items to prepare making this.

    (.2) Take a film canester.

    (.3) Cut a small hole in the cap of the film canester.

    (.4) Tear off some eraser nib. (I cut mines in half. You'll see why.)

    <img src=>

    (.5) Take those two eraser nibs. Stick em' in together inside the cap. Leave some space at the nib or else you won't be writing much. Take some super glue, glue in between the nibs and press em' together. You can also glue some on the side edges.

    (.6) Oka. Then you get your electrical tape (black tape) and tightly tape the bottom part of the cap so ink or w/e doesn't leak out. Then tape part of the nib TIGHTLY with the cap. So to keep excess leak out.

    THERE YOU GO! I'd of course practice with water first because most likely it's going to leak. So yeah, have fUN! Hope I this helps. Paycee
  4. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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  5. Nikon

    Nikon Senior Member

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    Pretend it's mines ahahahahahahahah
  6. ksan-isreal

    ksan-isreal Senior Member

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    im about to make a deoderant mop, about what consistency should i make the ink?
    i have regular bucket paint and some brake fluid.
    i heard somewhere to make it about the consistency of milk?
    help me out
  7. toxus

    toxus Elite Member

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    some one else posted this, is there any thing else you can add that gives your marker a shadow when buffed exepet 'brake fluid' or 'cod liver capsuals'
  8. eon

    eon Senior Member

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    try takin a bingo dabber then fill it with some tremclad bucket paint then use a combo of nail polishes (best to use matalics) then some thininer but im not givvin away my seacret ingredient(makes it mad permanent) that all i can tell u
  9. element503

    element503 Elite Member

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    time 4 me 2 put in a little bit of a dark recipe...

    ok so here are the steps.

    1. your gonna need a pack of ELMERS Squeeze n' Brush wasable paint markers. you can find them at like any fred meyers. walmart. arts n' crafts store...

    2. once you have them take off the tip and take off the seal.

    3. dump out that washable paint crap. clean it out with water and dump out the water and put the cap back on.

    4. get some ink and put it in it

    5. go tagging

    this shit is hella drippy. it flows alright...
  10. realest1

    realest1 Member

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    what about shoe dye for ink?
  11. SLIK

    SLIK Senior Member

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    i got me an ass load of ZIG woodcrafts at michaels today.....are they good alone or do i gotta put krink in them???
  12. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    NOOOOOOO!! ink goes in markers, ghetto krink goes in mops!! get it right!
  13. SLIK

    SLIK Senior Member

    • Messages: 95
    • Likes Received: 0 let me see how do i put this....wat do i do to these woodcrafts then?
  14. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    empty them out, the ink in them is crappy i hear, and fill em up with any kind of INK, no paint. if youre desperate just use the woodcraft ink. EXPERIMENT!!
  15. SLIK

    SLIK Senior Member

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    o i was just askin for opinion anyways.....thanks a lot mr havoc ur my forum hero :lol: hahaha
  16. oblong

    oblong Elite Member

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    some one has spoken about making one of these some day
    me and a crew memeber (haste)took the liberty of constructing one
    by what i know this is the largest marker known to man

    [Broken External Image]:
    compared to a sharpie

    [Broken External Image]:
    foam and rag nib with large straw in middle for paint flow

    [Broken External Image]:
    paint chambyer (over one litre)

    [Broken External Image]:
    haste giving it a try

    [Broken External Image]:
    rugged thugs whaat!

    :D 2000 posts! :eek:
  17. Havoc411

    Havoc411 Elite Member

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    holy shit, thats massive. do you put your hermit crabs in there?
  18. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    na its an extra reacher marker other words it can get your bomb that extra couple inches higher
  19. Haste

    Haste Senior Member

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    no actually, it works best if tipped upside down, so the paint flows to the bottom. the whole point of the long tube is a huge paint supply so you never have to worry abotu it running out at night.

    thats how we do.
  20. Haste

    Haste Senior Member

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    and you all probably thought i just fronted like i rocked a pink bandana..
    think again!