EVERYONE DUCK THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE BULLETS START FLYING! Srsly stop with the internet tought guy shit.. What ink did you add to the squeezer and did you buy a full or an empty squeezer?
I bought it new with ink in it. The fisrt tag I hot was a vertical tag on a dumpster on this side street, and it fuckin flowed amazing and driped nice, but every tag I hit after that was just really streaky, I pressed down on the nib montana I'm not fucking autistic or some shit.
[Broken External Image]:http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/2531/markerskl6.jpg A large chunk of my marker stash
So has anyone tried the OTR Stainless steel? I'm not a big fan of OTR since that shit fades more than a Sharpie but that product looks interesting.
I would read the Art Primo reviews but the A-Primo community is just as bad as the YouTube graff community. LOL