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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by benkser, Sep 7, 2004.

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  1. bruce

    bruce Elite Member

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    the right side of that building on top of the silos...
    i do belive theres huge sake and trik blockbusters...
  2. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    stinky is the old malt brewery in PSC and i think its still there but im in toronto so i have no idea but i can see it from my back porch in mtl so when i get back on sunday.....

    yo bruce whats the beef?
  3. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    hey tricks jtai vu dans le metro lotre jour... ta pas un scratchie un peu plus gros? hahahahah
  4. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    you talkin bout that 10$ brick i raxed from canadian tire?
  5. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    yes im talking about that one. i have the same one only i broke it down so i dont look like a fucking idiot with a brick in my hannd doing a scratchie in the metro hahaha
  6. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    i broke mine into 3 pieces for senok and his bro but that shit is almost indestructable
  7. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    you think it matters if some random person looks at you and you have a piece of brick or a fucking mini stone? the point is your scratching into the window, i juss like it cause it cuts clean and isnt that noisy-the round one from canadian tire is the noisiest piece of shit ever
  8. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    hahaha you need to learn alot about scratchies... and what stones make noise or go deep... that stone doesnt go that deep, but its nice for clean fills... neways...

    the size of the stone does matter... if a cop comes u cant hide a fucking fist sized brick in the bottom of youre pocket u know? and if you knew something called discretion (youll learn that after a few arrests... if u dont quit graff that is hahah) then youll know that scratchies are easy todo with no one noticing... and a brick isnt the best option...

    indestructable? hum.... its a knife sharpening stone... use a fucking hammer... or grow some muscle... i duno...
  9. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    obviously the size doesnt matter but still i tried everything to break that fucking brick, including a hammer

    im glad i havnt been arrested yet for graff - well i actually have but they didnt find my jumbo posterman marker somehow so i contested their ticket and won but still - you cant juss say its easy to do a scratchie and not be noticed because the situation varies every time you step on to a metro or a bus..

    asian telling me to grow muscles lmfao
  10. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    whats with people saying im asian haha?

    QUEBECKER TABARNAK!! ok and half latino but that doesnt really show haha

    and yes grow some fucking muscle if u cant bust that with a hammer... jeez...

    pluce bruce lee kicks some serious ass... what u got against asians?? hahaha

    lucky you... its prolly cuz youre a lil kid that they let you off youre graff charges... plus was prolly some lil ghetto tag... haha...

    cuz when you REALLY get arrested for graff... trust me they find what u have one you... they find everything. (ok well they forgot a 1/2 cm pastel in the bottom of my pocket but they found the rest haha)
  11. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    u mean when they catch you at 4 in the afternoon bustin a thro on the corner of some building on cote des neiges?

    nothing against asians juss most asians are weeeeeeeeeeeeak but they got some techniques
  12. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    ya they searched me pretty good that time hahahaha....

    youd be surprised... most asians are THIN... but very strong... i saw a lil kid, asian, with 4 metro cops on his back... took them 3-4 minutes to get handcuffs on him, 4 vs 1...
  13. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    i told you man they got techniques - it must be in the blood or somethin but respects to that

    if i was asian id be snappin motherfuckers necks in 0.2 seconds
  14. iloveweed

    iloveweed Senior Member

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  15. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    where is that sine?
  16. tkS`

    tkS` Elite Member

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    and why u be hatin?
  17. iloveweed

    iloveweed Senior Member

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  18. iloveweed

    iloveweed Senior Member

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    by the way tell his white ass to stop writting (nigger senok)
    and that crossing shit out right in front of his house is a great idea cuz people know where he lives
  19. jdie

    jdie Senior Member

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  20. skrooeapatape

    skrooeapatape Senior Member

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    getting a ticket is not being arrested.. and wheni was searched (only time really arrested over 5 years ago) they didnt get stickers out of back poket and didnt think anything of the granite stone lol.. so in doubt its rare or them not to find things hiddeninclothing especailly winter