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Music Production And Turntablism

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ekto907, Jul 14, 2006.

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  1. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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  2. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    from what i know otuserato, its kind of a revolutinry program, meaning nothing emulates it well...but if youre only lookign for it for a certain thing, you might be abekl to use anotehr program for i...i think albeton live is a good one for shit kin of liek serato...not positive on that htough, sorry...........................................QUESTION: can anyone recommend a good semi weighted or fully weighted synth with some good old school sytled sound banks, only necessity is it needs good bass progrms, can be odl school as well...will be used for hiphop, and mayeb some DnB down the road
  3. SKriBL*666

    SKriBL*666 Elite Member

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    Honestly i have the Numark and its not the greatest set in the world. I mean it gets the job done because im not great yet, but i should of spent the few extra dollars on some nicer individual ones.
  4. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  5. timestrike

    timestrike Member

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    Sound fucking good to me Gesus!Tarsier voici would be so sick on special request.Anyway great shit man!
  6. SNAP!

    SNAP! Senior Member

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    Virtual DJ, if you download the program. You can goto the site and download time coded CDs or buy timecoded vynil for 5 or so i think..

    INDO1SNMK Member

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    i use fruity loops xxl 5 with acid pro 6 and sound froge 9 got unlimited soundpacks on a computer i wish i could afford me a sicc ass beat machine
  8. Sintakz

    Sintakz Elite Member

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    So if I get the Virtual dj thing will the time coded vinyl still allow me to scratch real time and shit? If so, got a link to buy some timecoded vinyl?
  9. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    i actually planned at getting at Rona (tarsier) about a track or two, ive meet and hung out with her a few times when she was opn tour with matt and brendon (alias)

    i also thought about asking matt if he was down ive already pushed it to the likes of cubbiebear, Astronautalis, Bleubird on my list when i see him and andy (astronautalis) at the show withch twitch, not to mention tons of other emcees =)

  10. Nem

    Nem Elite Member

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    any recommendations on how to keep my dimestore 45's nice?

    most of em are pretty beat to start with and i can barely find good clear samples.

    is there anything i can do about this? shits gold i dont wanna lose it.
  11. timestrike

    timestrike Member

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    That sound sick...saw bleubird and ghettosock in Montreal this summer really cool cat and bleubird is a sick mc!Wish you good luck with your music man!
  12. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    word joc' is a cool dude (bird) hes from my area orignally so we all know each other from th local scene, at shows kids look to me an fanny like were gods dude to the fact we know who we know and party with alias an tarser, astro, bleu, awol, SKIP, Solliquist of sound, JDwalker, Electric presidents, sage, ect ect

    but thast forthe kind words man still means alot to hear um
  13. g3zt

    g3zt Senior Member

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    I'ma start producing my mixtape Flaming Disciple... (Underground Rap)...
    Starting this month-- Done in a few months.. Recording at Monkey Fist Studios + Other places..

    Mixtape is gonna have some graff tracks too..
    i'll keep you guys posted..

  14. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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  15. LostYouth

    LostYouth Elite Member

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    yeah this dude is speaking the truth
    the mixer is horrible and the decks are very mediocre
    i mean if your just learning like me i guess its all right
    i can stab and transform on them but there really just a novelty set
    im diggin ur band gesus, gots a totally unique feeling to it
    almost trance hip hop idk....totally different then ur other page....
    keep it up...
  16. LostYouth

    LostYouth Elite Member

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    oh and that remjinds me
    can someone uipload any tutorials on scratching
    like dj qberts how to scratch vol. 1 or what ever
  17. weak0ner

    weak0ner Moderator

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    the new reason is out of control, but serato is much funner to use.
  18. Enmity

    Enmity Elite Member

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    i recommend vestax mixers i have one and im shure ill have it for the rest of my life..
    solid buttery scratchiin goodness

    oh and geebus i added your band
  19. LostYouth

    LostYouth Elite Member

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    looking for breaktannica if anyone is willing to upload it
  20. CUBANO

    CUBANO Senior Member

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    Yea i wish i had me some $$$ for a beat pad...

    Anyone else use FL Studio 7 XXL Prod Edit....pretty all he instruments...
    but im a newb..anyone got any site recomm...for tutorials or just suggestions on how to get better...?

    Also what does Acid do...?