this is kind of an unfair because i dont really like necro but i hate dick too so i didnt really want to vote
Necros alright, goes over the top sometimes, fucking some disgusting shit half the time, but his rhymes go right with the beat an shit so hes not bad. ill bill is the fucking shit tho.
ive got 3 of necro's cds... hes tight... but listening to him gets old after about an hour straight for some reason. he's definately got talent tho i dig his shit
what do you think of non phixion? I THINK THEY'RE FUCKIN DYNAMITE [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:
at one point i liked ill bill and sabac but got out of that. shit is disgusting. "i have sex with female red necks" some shit by necro made me chuckle thou
necros shit makes me laugh alot h'es original, fat, jewish, white and drops the "n" bomb and no one says shit.
hellz ya, i dig necro and bill, not a fan of big fat dick tho, thats why i dont listen to fiddy and the like....
not half as much as yo momma 8lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllD :wub: <-yo momma. oooooooooooo [cliche] BURN
shit, i remember starting this thread a couple of years ago... Suprisingly, the new necro... (well the beats anyways) they're pretty sick. really epic and well composed. Definatly not feelin him anymore though.
one of the crews constantly bringin dope shit, tough la coka nostra im not too a fan of all tracks but necros beats are that kind hiphop beatz should be-in my opinion. also good lyrics, funny and sick. my favorite part of him are his verses at "youre dead" with ill bill those metal tracks i hate, its just not my music, and its allways hard hearing those nice beats and suddenly there comes a metal-track at his albums, he should put them on a own metal-rap album so dont have to hear them but its sad non phixion split up