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New Jersey

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by "*ZAR*", Jul 1, 2006.

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  1. pizzleaint

    pizzleaint Senior Member

    • Messages: 198
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    is that a jodo one? or who is that...yo fuck MHS there all pussies....OC backed down mad hard when we asked him 2 throw down after they painted our shit at a wall we hit...since they make statements like i love finding people like you guys to paint over....and he wouldnt even do anything...when we called him all he said was im comin im on my way...and then said i dont wanna fight ill just paint over your shit...good too see the jersey team work gettin rid of this gay ass shit...hopefully graf will go back to being about art not pissing people off and just causing problems...nice freight pics btw
  2. strikeitup!

    strikeitup! Senior Member

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    Metuchen High School... sick crew name
  3. Okem

    Okem Senior Member

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  4. AEK-CF-WR

    AEK-CF-WR Senior Member

    • Messages: 280
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    damn i wish i could see the emo dzel went over. that serm emo truck is nice but whats up with the serm R?
  5. NicholasCage

    NicholasCage Senior Member

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    too bad what was under that serm emo truck was way better.
  6. strikeitup!

    strikeitup! Senior Member

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    seriously, that navy and eye were rad... as was that 287 barrier right in the shoulder. emo has skills, but why pull some dick moves like that? this beef just makes shit look really bad... clean underpasses with whoever has fills or whatever looks so much better... now its just shit noticeably over other shit and everything beef related just looks so sloppy because there's layers of graf on what used to be good. bums me out.. be creative and just find your own spots. if aids can piece rooftops on main roads and pull off other crazy shit, im sure mhs could have just found new spots to hit rather than be fuckin dickheads.. i dont know the story behind them going over fh in the first place but it sucks. i should probably stop posting while drunk too. props to adhd, wr, and some other heads for avoiding this shit and doing their thing.
  7. AEK-CF-WR

    AEK-CF-WR Senior Member

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    werd man you cats is just fuckin shit up now and not in the good way.
  8. shangshang

    shangshang Member

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    beef is part of the game. stick move stick move.
  9. RuggedCamo

    RuggedCamo Senior Member

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    someone from FH should go back over that trailer and claim it, but emo paints on like stilts so when he gets dissed it still shows out the back, so someone from FH should go there and fire extinsquisher hit right over it and claim there turf back
  10. tom araya

    tom araya Senior Member

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    huh, what makes you think those crews be sweatin you? lets face it, if there wasnt a bombing science thread half those cats u mentioned wouldnt even know who you are, no diss just the truth.
  11. tom araya

    tom araya Senior Member

    • Messages: 403
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    emo writes "come see me", then when niggas do, he runs, not once but twice so far. the scariest thing about this whole beef shit is not serm being hit with a bat or emo outrunning ethek at speeds of over 100 mph but what pepe is going to do to serm for actaully doing a tiny serm fill over a pepe piece. i will say serm got balls for dissing a pepe but they will shrink very quikly when that certain individual pays him a visit. it will be beyond ugly folks i actually fear for serms life this joke

    ps.. dont be upset that you will miss this onslaught, because pepe breaking every bone in serms body will be filmed and used as the intro in the upcoming art of storytelling 2
  12. < mase >

    < mase > Senior Member

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    think? i no ****. im not sayin there sweatin me
  13. Simplicity

    Simplicity Senior Member

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    sum crazy shit right there
  14. CommanderKeen

    CommanderKeen Senior Member

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    worrrrrd. sounds like serm is fucked
  15. Okem

    Okem Senior Member

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  16. pizzleaint

    pizzleaint Senior Member

    • Messages: 198
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    that just makes himself look bad...especially b/c everyone no's who emo is [/b][/quote]
    you guys know that EMO bit that style from DEZEM right?
  17. Oprah

    Oprah Senior Member

    • Messages: 120
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    i cnt wait...
  18. endless brigades

    endless brigades Senior Member

    • Messages: 194
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    huh, what makes you think those crews be sweatin you? lets face it, if there wasnt a bombing science thread half those cats u mentioned wouldnt even know who you are, no diss just the truth. [/b][/quote]
    :p bump shit goes for most yall dudes.
  19. foxhole sex

    foxhole sex New Member

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    wow, i cant wait to see this shit, i once saw pepe knock a kid out here in n.y, all the kids teeth got knocked out and his nose shattered like a window all from a single punch, not sure if it was because of graff but shit was still brutal.
  20. RuggedCamo

    RuggedCamo Senior Member

    • Messages: 254
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    i got bootlegs of the footage that wasnt even filmed yet. PM me, 18 for 25 duckets. so reach into your bill folds and cop this shit.