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New Jersey

Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by "*ZAR*", Jul 1, 2006.

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  1. NicholasCage

    NicholasCage Senior Member

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    ^^showing your faces does not add anything to these flicks..
  2. jizzailbait

    jizzailbait Member

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    moderator, do these kids a favor and take there shit down so they dont get themselves arested.
  3. Dual_908

    Dual_908 Elite Member

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    i think that whole link is pretty hilarious

    it's like the comic relief of this thread, while most of the writers on here as real serious about writing, keeping a hidden identity, clean work and color schemes, these kids are pretty much do not fit the bill at all. they just don't take graffiti or anything seriously and i think that bothers some kids who consider this there vocation. at least i feel like there's little room for them to take themselves seriously. they very well might be serious about what they do.

    i guess you're having fun so keep doing whatever the fuck you do birdman and friends, just don't get busted and don't snitch when you do...

    and just so i contribute something, i'll post some of the details that i've shot over some time...

    View attachment 257491
    View attachment 257492
    View attachment 257493
    View attachment 257494
    View attachment 257495
    View attachment 257496
  4. wickedmainframe

    wickedmainframe Senior Member

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    some people just don't give a fuck

    DUCK&COVER Senior Member

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    the first one is loco...the focus is offfff
  6. Fosale!

    Fosale! Elite Member

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    a "birddude" over a vae.
    tisk tisk...

    THE TRUTH HURTS Elite Member

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    Damn this threadz been crazy latley....keep it up, bordom44 check ur pm..
  8. pizzleaint

    pizzleaint Senior Member

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    bump the flicks

    and i agree the 3rd eye "crew" shouldnt be posting any pictures of shit theve done or having there faces in anything

    THE TRUTH HURTS Elite Member

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    THE TRUTH HURTS Elite Member

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    OOOoo shit hold up look in the 3rd eye crew pics the boy avion threw a couple taggs over a zik throwie....was that a dis???....cause if sooo its on :D

    THE TRUTH HURTS Elite Member

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    ooo shit is that **** raez goin over the jao prodo......some1 plz tell me wutz goin on
  12. Oprah

    Oprah Senior Member

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    yo question for all of you people?

    When did you start?
    How did you get around your parents?
    and when you first started were you really bad?

    LEATHERFACE Senior Member

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    damn i missed da pics of these cats grills!!! that sucks. oh well i got some pics from 2day. i'ma post'em up later. nice true throwie. over lust and aesop is not a good look. who else did you guys go over? im not realy mad just asking.
  14. "*ZAR*"

    "*ZAR*" Elite Member

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    U motha fuckaz went over ma throwiez 2 <_<
  15. Rusto Crack addicts

    Rusto Crack addicts Senior Member

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    hahhaa i was peeping that .. Damn ! - ayo is that the same cat from before b ?
  16. caseoner3

    caseoner3 Senior Member

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    yea nigas ragged my shit 2
  17. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    i cant tell who your talkin about...whos going over you? im stupid

    THE TRUTH HURTS Elite Member

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    look in the link duck&cover posted after those pics...look closely at evry pic
  19. Mister Jackets

    Mister Jackets Member

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  20. Fosale!

    Fosale! Elite Member

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