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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Proper, Jul 12, 2008.

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  1. Noobondrugs

    Noobondrugs Member

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    whats up im 'wish' from Denmark good to meet some fresh writers around the world see ya out there.
  2. Whix

    Whix Member

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    Sup everyone, lurked the forum for a few days and decided to register. I'm just getting back into writing after not doing so for a very long time. Trying to start with a much better foundation this time around.
  3. QUEEZ

    QUEEZ Senior Member

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    how do you use credits on here or where i go to use them at least???
  4. lama3

    lama3 New Member

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    I am glad to be a member here.hi,I am Jacky.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2013
  5. _flocka_

    _flocka_ Senior Member

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    How tf do I change my avatar?!
  6. nash2589

    nash2589 Moderator

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    Click Forum Actions >> General Settings.

    Refer to this screenshot in case you don't know where to find it.

  7. _flocka_

    _flocka_ Senior Member

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  8. Ana Luiza

    Ana Luiza New Member

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    Sup people! My name is Ana and I'm a student from London. I joined this forum because think it has an awesome concept. I'm into writing and art, so when I found this place it felt like home. See ya around
  9. avp

    avp Senior Member

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    Might not be the best idea to use your real name.
  10. Troublethekid

    Troublethekid New Member

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  11. InnerCityRebel

    InnerCityRebel Senior Member

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    What up Gs and writers Nostik/Nostek/Nos ones new to the forum, hoping to see lots of you out there painting your cities and giving some parts of the world some color and imagination and kill the blandness, stay up.
  12. avp

    avp Senior Member

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    my buddy made an account, and he's been waiting for the confirmation email, but he said he never got one.
    anybody able to help with that?
  13. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    he might of put his email wrong

    if he wants makes his life easy he can just make another mail right quick and blaaam.

    HAIRBALL New Member

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    Should i start writing graffiti?

    Okay so I am 21 years old and live in a drone like suburban community in California. I could get into a lot more back story and reasoning but time is gold so i will spare you. Basically the reasons i feel should pursue an experience in writing graffiti are these:

    1. I've always been the quiet kid, shy and frustrated because people are constantly telling me that I am "too quiet" or that I am shy, but when i do speak up no one is there to listen.
    2. Since i can remember I have had a deep love & appreciation for art, but I have always felt that i can never reach my full potential. In almost every setting i have been in there has been a figure of authority that has either held me back through ridiculous rules and useless guidelines, or it has stomped me down saying i didn't do it right. I want to get outside the box and be my own teacher.
    3. Plain and simple, i like the physical act of writing(my name in particular) Before i understood anything about graffiti or why people write on walls, i felt it was important to write my name a certain way and always took pride in that.
    4. i NEED outlets, I am a skateboarder, runner, reader, photographer, vinyl collector and all these things I greatly appreciate and understand that not everyone has the privilege of doing them but FUCK IT I am greedy just like everyone else and i need more outlets( especially free, creative, unadulterated ones) if i am ever going to reach a point in my life where i feel accomplished and comfortable doing something that makes me happy.

    To be honest, as i am writing this i can't think of many reasons why i do not want to start. Am I too old too start writing? Where will I go once I start? If the illegality of it kept me from doing it then I would be curios what makes me smoke pot because that's also illegal, and so is skating in places I'm not supposed to, so I don't know these are just some of my thoughts and i would greatly appreciate your feedback, thank you.
  15. Chepter

    Chepter Member

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    Haya, Flying Dutchmen has arrived. My name is Remko, and from the Netherlands. Start drawing when i was a little kid. Stopped for a while till with it. Only now and then a little bit of time spending writing. Last week made a name piece by request of my 2 daughters (4 and 7) for a friend of them. Realy liked doing it, and want to pick it up again. Only now want to spend more time on improving the skills and finaly get me some decent set of markers. So hope i can find the spirit and help I need overhere.
  16. Vapid666

    Vapid666 Elite Member

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    @Hairball Dude, if you want to start writing then do it. I'm not sure why you feel the need to ask us if you should, just start and if you like it then good, keep going, if not then no.
  17. Dazzy

    Dazzy Member

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    What's up, everybody? I'm Daz, just starting to get comfortable with writing and whatnot. I started a couple months back, getting more and more into bombing and a piece here and there.
  18. ''BLISS''

    ''BLISS'' Guest

    Hey kings n toys im Sklt-short for SKELECTRIC and im from Denmark
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2013
  19. Zossqo

    Zossqo Senior Member

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    Hey guys, Zossqo here am a graphic designer and toy of toys lol
  20. Okse

    Okse Member

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    Damn people we don't need to know your life stories.