I'm startin to see alotta What scratchies on the D train...Tell that nigga to keep doin his thing (he does atleast like 4 thick scratchies in one car)
[Broken External Image]:http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/1729/nyc010bz.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/9761/nyc020ck.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/3157/nyc032hz.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/1237/nyc048ea.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/8595/nyc052nf.jpg
Yo writters from the bx, can ya tell me some places i can hit up to practice, or meet some guys to teach the art
just go into the south bronx REAL late at night with a HUGE backpack full of LOTS of spraypaint, im sure many writers will be interesting in meeting you for one reason or another
<---thats the face I had when I read that post Actually south bronx ain't nuthin. People like thinkin its like slums and its rabid with crime. Its not even like that. I could walk out on the streets by mahself at like 1 AM an have nuthin happen to me (i've done so many times before) Kinda true its blood territory, but if you know a few people even someone like Seon could blend in :lol: Please don't kick my ass, gi-normus black people these days As for NOTE, you ask too many questions, especially gay ones. Graff is something you get into. Don't go around asking for where you can practice, cuz that makes you sound like a toy, a little bitch, and quite possibly a tool. If you wanna practice, go find an alley or wall thats not visible to anyone, cuz considering you just started, nobody would wanna be seeing it. Oh yea, you shouldn't be worrying about walls till you're good on paper
i almost wrote hi evak at the 23rd steet station but than i said fuck that kid he doesnt deserve his name in my ink and i hit like 4 moer billboards instead
is it really fuckin necessary to tell/show everyone every little thing you do? I highly doubt anyone here cares. Get a fuckin life, you won't ever be shit in New York. And I dun care if you say I won't be shit cuz I honestly don't care.
sorry, i reposted this one. [Broken External Image]:http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/6430/ja10pd.jpg but not these. [Broken External Image]:http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/2395/cram14vf.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/8359/days13ts.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/3381/filth10yu.jpg 2-23-06