[Broken External Image]:http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c228/womanerocker/lastscan-1.jpg thanks for the honorable mention had fun doing this cant wait fo mo
Unfortunately for mewts the msk label is going to follow him around. Even though essentially everyones style is based on someone else's, when you pick the trendiest one around it gets noticed a whole lot more.
i dont liek the second place style, and i gotta agree that the third one has a big MSK influence mostly revok... and the first one is dope too but not my style really.... this is mine, id like to get some feed back on it peeps... plz... cant wait for the next one i love these battles http://www.bombingscience.com/sketch-battle6/pages/arose2.htm if image dont show
altho i might not agree 100% with the winner, i agree with the decision, and this was pretty close to call thanks for the mention you guys, looking at Scien's own style, you can guess he would judge this battle fairly and according to simple original style im not surprised by who the top 3 were at all also, a lot of good entries, i cant wait for the next one
revisers reminded me of rosyone. it was fuckin ill, mistx was sick as hell, but i dont think it shoulda won, compared to the other people that were in this battle
there is nothing personal and original about that style... you need to look at some more graffit or something.. cause 2nd place should have one. an first shouldnt have placed... ive seen that style to many times to be told its his own thing... So i say this..BULLSHIT!!!
bump. SCIEN knows more than any of you...and like i said....he obviously picked the right winner. so stop arguin over his decision and except that you guys lost and Mistix didnt...hes got a fresh unique style like said and isnt like the other everyday graff you see.
i personally feel first place shouldnt have been first place but im not the judge so thats not my place to say mewts msk style???, never even crossed my mind...
Ugh stupid people consider anything from the westcoast newschool style to be MSK style, people don't realize that's backwards as hell. MSK rocks newschool westcoast styles, they didn't invent them. I think I would have a tough choice between Fezat and Mewt and Cile for this, I dig Cile's a lot, he didn't get enough credit.
and to be honest, i really dont feel scien's letters he has extensions just for the sake of extensions