Colleen Cornock has moved on. After nearly three years as Kelowna's Graffiti Eradication and Prevention Co-ordinator, Cornock has accepted a position in community policing with the RCMP. She was originally hired by the city in October of 2005 to develop a program aimed at reducing the occurrence of graffiti on public and private spaces. The position was part time. Kelowna City Manager, Ron Mattiussi, says at the present time, there are no plans to hire a replacement. "The responsibility for removing graffiti is now being shifted over to the Parks Department," says Mattiussi. "The removal of graffiti was being sent to them anyway. Colleen was more of a middle man in the process." What Cornock did do was develop a number of programs, including the Graffiti Eradication Team and the 'Adopt A Spot Program.' She recently told City Council graffiti cost taxpayers, residents and businesses about $400,000 each year. Council is looking at crafting a bylaw that would make it harder for graffiti artists to purchase supplies within the city.