h4x0ring, joi riding (ur mum rofl!!) nd publik nudety Nah but seriously, I do other stuff, but allllloooowww telling you on a public messege board. kbi
as for illegal... i like going clubbing with baby seals! [Broken External Image]:http://home.pacific.net.au/~shazb/F2GH/images/campaigns/sealhunt1.jpg no im joking there cute :wub: but slip daddy a lot bit of brown sugar and im good!
wow gesus u aint met my childhood soft toy, hes a seal and hes name was bill. So he is now called seal-bill. He sits on my tv and i wake up and hes jut staring at me. Seals are the best animal.
i used to totally smoke ciggarettes and break the law but its not illegal for me anymore my age has turned rebellion into a looked down upon habit...